Happy Blogiversary to Me!

So here I am, missing my year blogiversary by two days! What kind of self absorbed twit am I that cannot even keep track of the day I began this little exercise?

I remember installing my stat counter very late in the game, perhaps three or four months after I started. But, as Mel and Hubba-hubba were pretty much the only two visitors, the counter is probably off by about 60. Ok, maybe 40. Make it 50 and we'll call it even.

At one point, it began to be an obsession with me. I would check my stat counter before I even checked my email. "Ooooh look!" I would exclaim to Hubba-hubba. "I got 5 hits today!" Those were some big numbers to me, and I thought I was the next dooce for sure. (I would link to her, but she needs my link like I need more of Mr. Personality's Halloween candy) I felt pressure, pressure to please my audience of perhaps 3, with the occasional poor Googler looking for Kiddie Kandids who was unfortunate enough to click on my link.

At more than one point, I considered enrolling in all those "Mega Hit Number Explosion!" thingys, but decided against it. Not that I was on some kind of high horse about pimping my blog out, but it involved actual reciprocity, which just seemed like too much work. We all know how lazy I am.

But, happily for me, after I hit the first thousand, I began getting less and less concerned with the counter numbers. I considered removing it, but I think the sheer curiosity would have killed me. And I am not a cat, (unlike my son so far) so it just didn't seem right. So it stays, and thanks to Google images, I get at least an extra 20 hits a day or so from a picture of Christian Bale I posted ages ago. For some reason, my blog comes "with" that picture, so thanks a lot Google!

I don't think I will end this endeavor any time soon. I wrote a long time ago that even if no one read this, I would still write because I enjoy it. And I have most nights all to myself and cannot leave the house, so there you go.

Thanks so much to everyone who is kind enough to leave comments, link me on their blogrolls, and even the people that just visit more than once. I truly love you all.

I would like to call out to my lurkers and ask them to join the party, but I'm afraid no one will respond, and I will just look intensely desperate.

I view this as a learning experience, and right now I'm only at about Kindergarten.

Ooops, gotta go, it's snack time...


Suzanne said…
Happy blogaversary! Keep on writing...
Anvilcloud said…
I used to look at the stat counter a lot too, but hardly ever any more. Congratulations, and here's to your next thousand posts.
chichimama said…
Lurker coming out to wish you a happy blogaversary!
Melodee said…
::kiss::kiss::hug::hug:: Happy Blogiversary!
Anonymous said…
I tried to install a counter once, long ago, but it didn't work, so I gave up. Now I figure I'm happy with my few visitors - like you say, if there were too many more, it would be tough to reciprocate.

Happy blogiversary!
Piece of Work said…
Happy blogiversary, Gina! I'm so happy that you found me so I could become a regular here. Isn't the stat counter weird? Why do we care? Funny!
Suzanne said…
Snack time?
I could use a snack!
Gina said…
chichimama! Thank you so very much for being the lone person brave enough to come forward and admit to reading my blog! :)

AC-Can you believe I have over 8000 hits? I am giddy!

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