Saturday Soapbox

So I have been doing a bit of trolling. I visited a few "right-wing" blogs and websites, looking to see what they were saying about the likes of DeLay, Libby, Rove and Frist.

Not much to my surprise, it wasn't a whole lot. There was quite a bit of "left wing conspiracy" talk, especially in reference to DeLay and the Democratic prosecutor. I didn't catch any mention of Libby, Rove, and Frist other than some factual statements about grand jury testimonies and SEC filings and such.

Where exactly is the outrage from the Republican Party?

Can this possibly the same party that whipped itself into a foaming, frothing, rabid frenzy when it came to President Clinton and a blow job? The self-anointed party of morality and Christian values? All the charges against the men mentioned above are serious crimes, serious abuses of power from elected officials and people in positions of power. Crimes that have affected many people's lives and livelihoods. The outing of an undercover CIA operative literally put lives in danger. Crimes that, if convicted, should result in some serious jail time for the people involved.

But these things seem to be barely a blip on the Republican radar. They are too busy worrying about how the heck they are going to push through more tax cuts for the upper class. You know, that trickle down theory that didn't work back in the Reagan years and certainly isn't going to start working now. They are too worried about a suck-up crony of President Bush with a not-clear-enough zealot background becoming the next Supreme Court Justice. Oh, but you see, its ok if their judges bring their private lives into their judicial decision-making, just not the judge of Tom DeLay.

I really don't mind Repbulicans, everyone has a right to their opinons.

What I do mind is a bunch of hypocrites.


Anvilcloud said…
I don't know about this group (haven't been following much), but for many, morality begins and ends with sex. Defrauding, war mongering, despoiling the environment are all much less serious to these folk than getting a bit of illicit sex on the side.
Suzanne said…
Well said, Gina.
Gina said…
Elizabeth, did you mean Frist in your first example?

You are right, everyone can by hypocritical. But, as I said, it is the Republicans who act all holier-than-thou, not so much the Dems.
Gina said…
Sorry Elizabeth, I thought you were talking about two different politicians in your first post.

As for politicians in general, they are all quite hypocritical for sure. Seriously, there is no such thing as an honest politician.

But I think it is much more reprehensible to label oneself as a "Christian" or whatever to get some votes, and then go ahead and conduct business as usual.

I don't think of Dems as particularly hypocritical, just particularly uninspired and lackluster. Even with all this Rep stuff going on, they cannot manage to form any type of cohesiveness. Which is pathetic.

Clinton did lie under oath. I am not saying that was a good thing. But at least he lied about an extramarital affair and not something that is a felony. Shades of gray? Slippery slopes? Perhaps...

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