I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

So I have become more intimately familiar with the fibers of my carpet than I have ever wanted.
Wednesday morning gifted to me the most horrific set of back spasms yet. Unable to walk, I have crawled and moaned my waythrough the house for 5 days now.
I have to say, it's getting a bit stale this point.
If you had told me two weeks ago that I would be lolling around a bed, having other people wait on me hand and foot, I would have been thrilled to hear it.
but, I am more than ready for the screaming agony in my back to go away, already.
Now that I know exactly how dirty my baseboards are, I've got to get going here.


Melodee said…
Oh no! That happened to me once. I feel your pain and hope that it departs for good!
Suzanne said…
My oh my... I'm envisioning Gina and eb both crawling around on their knees nursing their sore backs.

It's not a pretty picture.

Oh. And hope you feel better soon!

Heather Plett said…
Oh man, that sucks!
Piece of Work said…
I have a bad back, too. Absolutely, nothing worse. HOpe you are feeling better soon.
Anvilcloud said…
Is this contagious or something? I had some very discouraging days last week as I enetered into my second month of this nonsense. I've had two physio appointments and one massage, and I finally seem to be mending. But I'm staying off the bike anyway. I hope that this is a shorter ordeal for you than it has been for me. It's blasted frustrating I tell you!!!
Suzanne said…
Oh, I feel your pain (okay, not literally). Back pain is so debilitating. Feel better soon!
Piece of Work said…
Gina, you okay?

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