It'll Be The Next Big Thing

So for quite a while now, I have been wanting to start up my own business. I happen to think that I would be quite a good founder/CEO type. My plan is to simply delegate everything to my underlings because I am too lazy for any of the details.

Anyhoo, I finally thought of a business model that I really think would reach an underserved niche of the population.

I call it "Bitches R Us."

You see, if you are one of those types who shies away from confrontation at all costs, then we should be on your speed-dial.

Did a company charge you the wrong amount? Call "Bitches R Us," and we will handle it for you. No need to worry any longer about confusing and possibly loud verbal exchanges with poorly trained customer service people.

Too busy to write that nasty letter to the hotel for putting you in the room next to the elevator that used to be the service closet? Then we're the people you need to get in touch with. We'll write something so good, they'll comp you a room.

Realize too late that the purple lipstick the salesperson steered you toward makes you look a lot like Elivra, and it isn't Halloween? Call us and we'll save you the embarassment of having to face her haughty attitude, even though she makes close to minimum wage. And we'll get a bunch of samples to boot.

I personally think it sounds like a winner.


Gina said…
Judging from the underwhelming response, I think it is clear that I should keep my day job.
Piece of Work said…
Fabulous idea, Gina! Where do I sign up?
Simply Coll said…
LOL... I could definitely use one of these!
Suzanne said…
Oh, I would definitely use your services! There's just not enough bitch in me, I'm afraid.
karla said…
Oh Oh Oh. Can I be one of your bitches. (My oh my that sounds ohhhh so bad!).

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