Pride and Gluttony

No doubt, I am a glutton for punishment. I decided to put a counter on my blog to see if anyone was even reading the darn thing. Of course, thanks to Mel, Denise, Pamela, and Suzanne for letting me know that I wasn't just writing for myself and Hubba-hubba. So, to my amazement the last time I looked, I had 70 hits, and seriously, I would like to say that I am trying to pump up my own numbers, but I'm not. Ok, well, maybe half of that is me...

But, that leaves me to wondering who else is wandering around and finding my blog? Who are you? What posts have you liked? I am interested in what everyone has to say. Don't be shy, even if you don't necessarily agree with me (good grief, did I really say that?) Perhaps a lot of the hits were people that read one entry and said they were outta here. Humbling as that is, I have to count that as a very real possibility. I love ya anyway baby, even if you think I write the most boring entries on the planet.

If you're here, feel free to visit a couple of times in a row, just to pump up my numbers and make me feel better! Ha! Just joking!

Ok, no I wasn't really joking. I really am that pathetic.


Melodee said…
Funny! Hey, if you really want to see your numbers go up, join BlogExplosion! ;)
Anonymous said…
A Canadian found your blog today...and continued to read a little. Thanks for making me laugh - I just put a counter on my own blog, and know exactly how you feel. Smiles.

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