My New Best Friends

Well, sort of. I went to one of my all-time favorite stores recently, Sephora, to use a gift card that was burning a serious hole in my pocket. I cannot afford most Sephora products on my own, and this Christmas gift was an extremely thoughtful one.

I love makeup, I am a makeup junkie, particularly lipsticks. In my purse I currently have 4 lip glosses and 10 different tubes of lipstick. I am fascinated by makeup, the colors, the textures, perhaps it is just the suggestion of a new me with every new purchase. Whatever it is, makeup gets my blood flowing.

The surprising part of this is that I don't really wear a lot of makeup, and never really have. I only began wearing mascara at about age 20, and I began wearing full foundation at about 25 or so. If I am attending an occasion that warrants application, I will wear foundation, spot-concealer if needed, lipstick, blush, and mascara. I don't wear primers, highlighters, bronzers, or any extra stuff. I haven't worn eyeshadow in a long time, I prefer to blend a light foundation stick along the top lash line, it really opens up the eye.

But, back to my new buddies. I was able to purchase Du-Wop Lip Venom, LORAC mascara in black (of course), and Smashbox Backdrop Cooling Tint.

I had read lots of things that said the Lip Venom was awesome, so I decided to give it a whirl. It is a SUPER glossy gloss. Hubba-hubba swore he could see his reflection on my lips. But, the interesting part about it is when you put it on, your lips instantly feel super hot. I am not sure what ingredient is in there, but it is a doozy. I kept having to blow air through my mouth to cool my lips off. The packaging says the hot sensation is a "desirable" feature of the product, but I think that is written with the opposite sex in mind.

The LORAC mascara is great, I have used it for years now. It is subtle, but enough. Seriously, I cannot agree with the people who think that Maybelline Great Lash is the best stuff out there. Try some other one, especially the Lancome varieties, and I predict you will never go back.

The Smashbox Tint is a sheer foundation that you can apparently use as a primer or over foundation, but I don't need it for that, just a little coverage. The best foundation I have ever worn was a Prescriptives custom-blend, and it looked perfect. However, it is very pricey, and Sephora doesn't do the custom blending there, so I was out of luck. I had gone back to a Clinique foundation, which I found just too unnatural looking. This Smashbox stuff is great, and it gives you a little tingle when you apply it. I am sure when warm weather rolls around, I will be loving it even more.

There is something about new makeup that makes me giddy. I feel like I look different, better than I did before I used the product (at least, the ones I like). Yes, I am aware that I am the perfect makeup marketing target. Well, feel free to paint me with a large red bullseye, preferably with Chanel lipstick.


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