Gina Unplugged

I have yet another confession. My husband and I are the least "plugged" in people I know. We own no cell phones, no pagers, no TiVo, no Ipods, no satellite radio, no OnStar, no big screen TV (try a 19 inch) and (this will elicit the biggest gasp of all), no cable. Our big splurges on technology are a dial-up connection to the Internet, a factory installed 6 disc CD changer in one of our cars, and a dual DVD/VHS player. We do have an old lap top from my husband's brief law school career, but that is now 4 years old and pretty much obsolete.

It is not that we are oblivious to technology, or that we are intimidated by it. I think it is that we don't have much discretionary income and we choose to spend it on other things.

As a person in my 30's I sometimes feel like the people who call techno things "those watchamacallits" and has a vague idea that there are cool things out there, but doesn't have access to them. Hell, I think I am even misspelling Ipod.

Oddly enough, I don't really envy everyone their plugged in lifestyles. The only thing I really think I am missing out on is satellite radio or an Ipod, because I really love music and would adore just having pure music coming out of my speakers instead of the horrible commercials and station promos.

Even my grandparents own a cell phone and a home theater system that is way better than ours, they even have speakers in their kitchen ceiling. Does my computer even it out?

I thought not. Hey, it was worth a try.


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