I Gave Her the Ear Back, Though. Eventually.
One of the things I love most about blogging is the interaction with people that in normal circumstances, I would never have met otherwise. I mean, what are the chances that I would find a twin in Iowa , or the coolest people who live in Northern California ? Not the mention the wonderful people in other countries, from Australia to England to Cyprus to Norway to that favorite of mine , Canada . I had the pleasure of meeting a great Canadian blogger on Saturday morning, Hope . Hope found me quite some time ago, and since she left me that first comment oh so long ago, we have been great bloggy friends. And can I say how lovely it is to meet people who are even more fun in person than on their blog? Hope is fabulous. She is cute, smart, witty, and has a great sense of humor. I am all the richer for having met her and gabbing her ear off for two hours in a Starbucks. We chatted like two old friends, and that is how I picture it would be meeting every one of you, my dears. ...