Thursday Q&A
Q. What do you call it when your garrulous, inquisitive, and "inside-voice" challenged five year old loses his voice?
A. A tiny slice of heaven, my friends. A tiny, quiet slice of heaven.
Q. What do you say to yourself when you feel your own throat starting to get sore?
A. I've got five dozen cookies to bake, grocery shopping for ingredients for those cookies, birthday presents to wrap, Christmas presents to wrap, and two parties to attend this weekend. Like hell I'm getting sick.
Q. What do you tell your husband when he offers to go to the post office for you and put stamps on all the Christmas cards that have yet to be sent out due to said sick five year old?
A. You're a doll, now did you remember to double-stamp the Canada ones?
Q. What do you want AAA to know after telling you your subscription has expired when you call them stranded with a flat tire on the side of the road and your son in the car? Thus necessitating a call to your husband who has to take off work for three hours to help you. And your subscription wasn't expired at all?
A. You guys had better be giving me a full freakin' year for free.
A. A tiny slice of heaven, my friends. A tiny, quiet slice of heaven.
Q. What do you say to yourself when you feel your own throat starting to get sore?
A. I've got five dozen cookies to bake, grocery shopping for ingredients for those cookies, birthday presents to wrap, Christmas presents to wrap, and two parties to attend this weekend. Like hell I'm getting sick.
Q. What do you tell your husband when he offers to go to the post office for you and put stamps on all the Christmas cards that have yet to be sent out due to said sick five year old?
A. You're a doll, now did you remember to double-stamp the Canada ones?
Q. What do you want AAA to know after telling you your subscription has expired when you call them stranded with a flat tire on the side of the road and your son in the car? Thus necessitating a call to your husband who has to take off work for three hours to help you. And your subscription wasn't expired at all?
A. You guys had better be giving me a full freakin' year for free.
Sore throat. Gargle asprin (honestly it works!) or drink wine. Lots and lots of wine....
I would never ever send my husband to the post office and allow him to put stamps on my christmas cards. he would put them on crooked.... but what does it matter now. I haven't even BOUGHT the cards yet!!!!!!!
Arrgghhh!!!! Excuse me while I go rock in the corner thinking of all the things I need to do in the next week....
I hope you can hold out
Good luck. Hope you're not felled by the throat.
Also, kudos to you for letting your husband stamp the envelopes. My husband puts the stamps on sideways when he KNOWS they're supposed to be upside down. If I want something right, I have to do it myself...
Go get 'em my friend.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!!