Today for some reason, my temper was a bit, er, on the shorter side of things. We were getting ready to go to the beach (yay, beach!) and it seemed like I was doing it all- packing and making the food, the towels, getting sunscreen on everybody, and just generally trying to get us on our way without forgetting important things. You know, like something to drink, or Chap-stick. Because it's when you don't have the Chapstick that you really, really, need it. Meantime, I've got these two chatterboxes contsantly asking me questions. "Mommy, Mommmmyy, Moooommm-eeeee," comes the constant cry "did I tell you what the magic did?" "The magic?" I reply, "Exactly what kind of magic are you talking about? And can't you see that I am doing a bajillion other things and cannot talk about the magic right now? Then comes the hurt look on the face and the huffing off in a corner because Mommy did not drop everything to listen to him. Then from the k...