I Can Lord This Over Him for at Least the Next Year

The phone rings, and I, being the social person that I am, pick it up.

It is a live person from our city library. Looking for me.


You know you are in some deep shit when they physically take the time to call you. They have all this automated stuff to let you know about fines and books you have placed on hold. A call from an actual living being is cause for alarm.

I wait for the ball to drop.

She explains that she has in her possession a birth certificate for one Mr. Personality.


That's where he left it!

Let me back up.

A few weeks ago, the insurance company from Hubba-hubba's work required a copy of Mr. P's birth certificate to make sure we weren't lying or whatever about having a kid. So, Hubba-hubba went to the library to make a copy because we are poor and don't have a scanner.

Anyhoo, I had been asking Hubba-hubba where he had placed said important document.

I was always given an annoyed look and a shrill denial of having misplaced it. He didn't know exactly where it was, but it certainly was not misplaced.

I had actually been on him about it not two days ago, and was basically told to talk to the hand.

So it seems that genius over here left it on the copy machine, where some kind soul gave it to the library staff who waited for him to realize his mistake and come pick it up. And waited some more.

Until finally they figured that he was a totally hopeless case and called.

Something I've known for a while. But it's always good to find outside validation.


Sunshine said…
Oh, that is ammunition for a VERY long time!

I think I would be more mistrustful than you when said document was not produced the first time you asked. I don't trust my hubby with those small details like not losing important identification documents!
Anvilcloud said…
Is your page just failing to load properly for me, or do you really have grey text on greyish-green bg? Anyway, I read it on Reader and meant to say that I often forget things on the scanner, but at least it's in my own house. :)
Awesome Mom said…
Ooo! You are going to be able to get a ton of mileage from that one. Doesn't he know anything about identity theft?
Nance said…
I was thinking the same thing as awesome mom: that is Identity Theft waiting to happen. Yikes.
Autumn's Mom said…
So glad they called and you got it back :) I'm sure he's kicking himself enough, knowing that he screwed up and you found out ;) haha

We are having to deal with Australia to get 3 of our kids BC. Not fun! I hang on to Autumn's like it was made of gold or somehting.
Pendullum said…
Such gifts from the gods...

Oh, savour this moment Gina....

Savour it for ALLLLLLL that it is worth....
Ortizzle said…
Yeah, identity theft came to my mind, too. Good job Mr. Personality is too young to have a social security number.
Maternal Mirth said…
oooooooh ... Lord it! LORD it. Let it roll around in the dirt for a while and then make Mr. P eat it. Be nice, give him some ketchup.
he he he.

I would be hauling that one out for MONTHS! Years even!
Steph said…
Glad that the birth certificate was found and returned. And, you totally have ammunition for a long, long time!
Quiskaeya said…
Don't you just LOVE this kinda of stuff to use as amunition (sp?) later! LOLOLOL

Yeah, sound like something the hubster would do, too! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has one. lol
Once again, a post I could have written. But if it were my husband, he would forget all about the incident in a week or two and think I'm crazy when I bring it up. Argh!

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