Not Going to Blogher

And don't really care.

In years past, I've found myself wracked with envy that I wasn't able to go. All the fun! All the free stuff!

How could I possibly live another day without the opportunity to network and meet people and did I mention free stuff?

And this year, meh.

I've heard that Blogher ranks up there as one of the most expensive blogger conferences, with a full conference pass running a steep $348.00. Ouch.

Not to mention transportation costs, staying at a hotel, and perhaps, you know, eating something once in a while.

It could easily run a grand, and I for one do not have a thousand bucks to spend on something that at times has seemed like high school times ten.

This weekend I guess I'll be the equivalent of the chick smoking a joint in the girls bathroom.

Sounds like more fun.

Wanna join me?


Free stuff????

Dammit, now I wanna go even more...

I mean, yeah! I am with you babe, bugger them we will have our own fun doing laundry and stuff, right?
Awesome Mom said…
You could have stayed at my house had I not moved. That is the big bummer for me, that I could have easily and cheaply gone if we had not moved. *sigh* Oh well, at least I own my own home now and that is nicer than a blogging conference.
Heather Plett said…
Pass me a smoke.

I've been to enough conference where I felt like the unpopular kid with the zit on her chin - don't need blogher to further enhance the feeling.
Anvilcloud said…
Sorry, can't make it to your bathroom this weekend.
Cherry said…
I have also been envious in past years but have never been able to justify the cost. This year I decided I would go despite the cost but then I sorta fell out of blogging. If people I knew or people I have connected with were going and wanted to meet up, I'd at least go to one of the cocktail hours. Don't cha wanna drive up here for that?
You need a new memory of some good times spent up here. :-)
Piece of Work said…
MUCH more fun to smoke a joint. or two!
Autumn's Mom said…
If I didn't have this HUGE family living with me you could have stayed with me...of course I'd rather just hang out instead of going to blogher. So PASS it over here.
Don't smoke, but yea, I know what you mean. i mean, personally I don't care one way or the other. If someone paid my way (completely) and all my expenses, I'd probably go just to see what it was like, but I am NOT sitting around thinking about going. I don't really have a problem with those that are excited about going, but I tend to skip over those posts about "how excited I am and how I can't wait to get to blogher" etc. and all the other "inner circle" people that are going. Whatever. In fact, maybe I will start smoking.

hee hee
Maternal Mirth said…
I am soooo with you ... I barely have time to go to the bathroom and as for money, well, thanks to a gas-powered car, I am a little short there too.
chichimama said…
I had sort of forgot about blogher. And then you had to remind me. Sigh. But with our recent trip, it wasn't going to happen this year for sure...
dgm said…
I was considering it and was gonna ask if you were going, but then other plans came up, so whatev. I could have traveled and stayed cheaply with the 'rents. Plus, I love San Francisco.

There's always a part of me that thinks it sounds a little too clubby for my sensibilities, however. It's not that I worry about being the odd one out, but that I'd be stuck in a crowd of people who are all fawning over each other. That's kinda not my style.
Ted said…
I don't find the herb enticing, but I'll bring my own bourbon and meet you in the parking lot. :-)
dr sardonicus said…
Ah, if only I'd have known a chick like you to sneak a joint with between classes when I was in high school...
Laura said…
I am too afraid of crowds of people I don't know to go. I'm the nerdy girl reading ahead in her history book, basically.
J said…
I've been local for two of the last three or four years, and really, no desire to go. Unless some of my bloggy friends were going. Then I'd be all over it.
Scout said…
I missed out on the whole joint-smoking thing in high school, so I'll join you.
Quiskaeya said…
Serious! Who cares about networking, free stuff, meeting bloggers you've met thru blogs, free stuff, getting to leave hubby & kiddos, free stuff, free stuff! free stuff! free stuff! Waaaaaaaaaa... lol

When did you say the joint-smoking party begins??? I can settle...
... Paige said…
Joints in the girls room. Now how much is that gonna cost?
boogiemum said…
Totally there with you. I had planned on going this year, after really wishing I was there last year. Then my attitude changed. I saw through the fog and realized, like you, that it too chummy for me and more money then I am willing to spend.

Now joints in the bathroom?- more my style :)

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