At Last...
Most people are shocked to hear that we co-slept (well, one of us at a time, anyway) with our then 3 year old for pretty much her entire life, except for the first nine months. Which is weird, because usually it's kind of the other way around. It partly had to do with her sleep disorder/sensory processing disorder and her developmental delays. When she was an infant, we would put her in one of those infant swing things, where she would doze for hours and hours in blissful sleep. We were thrilled! If only everything could be so easy! She hated sleeping any other way. What we didn't realize at the time that this was the first sign of her SPD, the fact that swinging in that swing calmed her so thoroughly and instantaneously. We just thought we lucked out in the infant sleeping department. For the record, Mr. P hated the infant swing we had gotten as a gift. It went unused in a corner for months. Then, little lady grew too big for the d...