Friday Poll

What would you say is your special talent?


Sunshine said…
I have some relationships with people purely because I listen to them more intently and honestly than anyone else ever does.
I'm the "talk to about problems" person.
So, while I have a lot of hobbies and skills I enjoy, I'm inherently an excellent listener. :)
Autumn's Mom said…
I have no other special skills or talents other than making people laugh. I feed off of laughter. I should have been a comedian. If I lost my ability to be funny, I would probably melt like the wicked witch of the west.
dgm said…
I seem to be able to make people laugh, and I can sprint fast. Oh, and I make awesome toffee without a recipe. I used to be able to walk on my hands across a room, but I haven't done that in years.
dgm said…
Let's hear YOUR special talent(s)?
Liz said…
I'm really good at remembering the small details that people tell me about themselves. It helps at work, with the old, "how is you son doing?" or "when is your surgery scheduled?". I find that listening to people is a very good thing and endears you to them.
Hope said…
J said…
I can make myself burp any time, anywhere. I can also make myself cry, sob really, if I want to. Why I would want to, I have no idea, but Ted says I should be an actress. ;)
Awesome Mom said…
Bossing my kids around! lol!
Atasha said…
I want to believe that I am crafty! So crafty that I could probably make an outfit out of a roll of your Cottonelle hehehehehe ;-)
Gina said…
I have a special talent for knowing totally random and useless bits of trivia.

Like, I could totally go on Jeopardy and win.

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