Music Monday

Let me take you back to those wonderful days in 1984. Gina was in seventh grade. Gina had a huge crush on the brother of my best friend. Uh, yeah, the one that was in high school and who introduced me to all of the New Wave music of the 80's. Pablo also had hair that was exactly like that of the lead singer of today's band. And dude, he was freakin' cute.

I'm not sure how far-ranging the popularity of Blancmange was, but I really liked them a lot. They had three pretty good songs, which was two more than many other 80's bands. For the record, blancmange is a French dessert, with some sort of whipped cream and layering of possibly fruit involved, if I remember correctly. Ah, this video was back in the day when video was still new and they had fun instead of taking themselves so damn seriously. They all look like they are having a great time in this video, don't they?


dgm said…
The girl in the clip around :26 looks like the picture in your profile. Is that a coincidence?
Patois42 said…
I never heard of them, but, then again, I'm way old. But that video does bring me back to the heydey of music videos.
dr sardonicus said…
Somebody else has heard of Blancmange. I remember playing some of their first album on the radio back in college, but I must not have been too impressed by it as I don't remember it that well.
Gina said…
I had some bad hair, but I NEVER had Princess Leia buns.
Heidi said…
I don't think I have heard them before, but they sound a little like Depeche Mode.

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