Hello, Big Boy!

I like to think of 2009 as holding better stuff than 2008, sort of like a handsome man I'm gazing at across the room instead of the disappointing loser I came to the party with. He looks good, but I'm still too far away to know if he's a jerk or a womanizer or has an annoying laugh. So may 2009 turn out to be, uh, perfect!

Huh. That analogy started off great and then just sort of lost steam at the end there, didn't it?

Not a whole lot exciting happened in 2009, and nothing really bad happened either. It was a year of milestones for Mr. P, of course, but as a growing young man, every single year will be one of milestones, so nothing new there.

I am looking forward to possibly moving in 2009, and then probably getting a dog.

I think as long as both of us keep our jobs (and I am constantly amazed that my part time income makes such a difference) I'm hopeful that all will be well. And now that I have just said that, I'm sure I've cursed us both.

Anyhoo, I wish you all a Happy New Year! Smooches!


Anvilcloud said…
HNY to you too!
Maternal Mirth said…
Oh. My. God.

I absolutely *adore* your analogy!!!

May '09 be a witty, wealthy, romantic and good in bed kind of year :)
dgm said…
And many more!
Liz said…
Happy New Year Gina and family! And yes, the part time income always makes a huge difference, especially around this time of year.

It's nice to know you can see into the future to know that nothing exciting happened in 2009! *wink*
Heather Plett said…
Happy New Year! Hope 2009's one hot dude!
Awesome Mom said…
Happy New Year to you!! I am hoping that 2009 is a hot dude too.
Patois42 said…
Happy, happy, happy to you and yours, too!
dgm said…
I forgot to add that a few drinks can make the new year look even more promising; same thing happens with the dude across the room. In any event, I wish you no regrets.
Hope said…
happy new year gina etal....
Melodee said…
Happy New Year!
Scout said…
Happy new year, Gina. Here's hoping for a good year with not too little and not too much.
chichimama said…
Happy New Year Gina!!!!!
Cherry said…
Hey there hot stuff from across the room!

Good luck with the move and the dog! Both sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of, well....

Happy New Year!
Autumn's Mom said…
I'm looking forward to the new year. I hope your plans work out :) Happy New Year!!
dr sardonicus said…
No matter how good they look from across the room in January, they're always old and worn out in December. Happy New Year.
Heidi said…
I liked your analogy. That is how hus and I met, only we were at a bar and we both had to ditch our loser dates. Not very nice of us. Happy New Year!
Steph said…
Happy New Year, Gina!
J said…
Remember, rescue dogs are less likely to be puppies, and thus less likely to remind you of the days when Mr. P was an infant, with the crying, and then there's the chewing and the peeing...

Happy New Year, and may 2009 be a hot dude who wants to whisper sweet nothings in your ear, vs. 2008, who for me at least, wanted to crap on me and call me names. Yay 2009!
Quiskaeya said…
Sounds like Mr. P is growing up! Seeing that Dubya is outta here in 2009 it can only be better from here on out!
Just Spotted said…
happy new year... and i totally got your analogy!

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