Friday Poll

My last post was uh, lost in the ether, because looking back upon it, I decided it was a stupid thing for me to put up. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings for the sake of being funny, so poof! Gone!

As for today's question, here goes:

What have you been longing for lately?


Atasha said…
Sleep! Yay I'm first :-)
dgm said…
Frye Campus Boots in banana, size 6 or 6.5. I can't seem to find them anywhere. Also, a friend let me borrow one of his surfboards and the first time I rode it I knew it was made for me. Now I want him to sell it to me.

Finally and most importantly, I really really want my BFF to move down here from San Francisco. She is so so so funny, and it makes my day to be able to laugh so hard I wet my pants.
Heather Plett said…
A digital SLR camera.
J said…
My mom. Sigh.

Dang, I didn't get to see the post. Ted read it, and I thought I would save it for this morning. You snooze, you lose. ;)
Awesome Mom said…
Sleep, warmth and peace and quiet.
Liz said…
For things to be how they were a little over two years ago. For stability and peace of mind.
Patois42 said…
Patience. Loads of it.
Nance said…
Patois stole mine, so I'll go with my second choice, which was simplicity.
Hope said…
Ortizzle said…
A cap and gown.
dr sardonicus said…
A day off. I'm working my ninth day in a row.
Cherry said…
Scout said…
On one side, I'm longing to have both my kids home from college. On the other hand, I'm longing to have the house to myself.

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