Friday Poll

The other day I met a good friend of mine for lunch at a local joint. And even though they serve fabulous food, you order up at a counter, put your little number on the table, and someone will bring you your food. But, it's up to you to get your own drink and condiments.

We stayed for a long time, and upon pulling out of the parking lot, I realized neither of us had left a tip. But, should we have?

Do you tip at restaurants that only deliver the basics?


Sue said…
Well, partly it depends what country we're in whether or not we tip. In Cyprus, service charges are all included at the majority of restaurants, and tips are not encouraged (though of course if someone wants to leave one for exceptional service, I don't suppose anyone would mind). In the UK, nobody would tip at a fast-food place, or somewhere such as you described where there's no service to speak of, and at a regular restaurant a 10% tip would be normal, unless the menu says that service charges are included. Tips are generally divided between all the waiters in most places.

I know it's different in the USA - basic prices are cheaper but waiters don't get paid much, and actually get to keep tips at their tables, so a lot of people tip more than 10%. I would have thought if no waiter was involved, then there would be no point tipping, but surely they're never a requiement. A tip (to me, anyway) is a something extra for excellent service.

Er... so my answer to the question is 'no'.
Jess T said…
I think in that situation, the answer is no. They are essentially food runners and are most likely not paid as servers. Although, I would be curious if that is true.

If I go to a buffet place and the person is responsible for bringing me plates and refilling my drink, I tip. Even though I am getting my own food, they are repeatedly coming to the table. Just dropping off food once doesn't equal tip.

Just so you know, I used to wait tables all the time and am a ridiculous tipper.
Awesome Mom said…
In that situation I would not have tipped. I have tipped at pizza places where all the do is bring out your pizza but that is only when I have kids with me that make huge messes.
J said…
Probably not. Sometimes. How's that for equivocating?
Heather Plett said…
I usually do. I worked in a resort town for a summer when I was in college and while some of my waittress friends were getting lots of tips, I was cleaning hotel rooms and got nothing. After that experience, I've tried to be generous to service people in general - whether in a "no-service" restaurant or in a hotel (I leave tips behind on the desk.)
Patois42 said…
Nope. When I'm on my own to do the typical tasks, I tip myself.
... Paige said…
Yes we normally leave a small tip, about a dollar or two.
Scout said…
Some of those places have tip jars at the register, so I leave a dollar or two in there. But if you pay at the table, I'm not sure. 20% seems a little steep for that little bit of service.
Liz said…
Yeah I would tip 10-15%. They still have to clean up after you right?
Tipping is not customary in Australia. We only tip if the service is exceptional. And then it is always a surprise to the staff.
dr sardonicus said…
Yeah, because they have to live off their tips, too.
Steph said…
It depends. If the kids make a huge mess, or the service is excellent than yes.

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