Friday Poll

What has been driving you nuts lately?


Awesome Mom said…
I think that the things that have been bugging you have been bugging me too.
Heather Plett said…
Political campaigns. On your side of the border and ours.
J said…
The economy. The politicians. The bullshit.

That kinda sums it up, huh?
Ted said…
Unemployment. Boo!
Autumn's Mom said…
Money. Money. Money.
Cherry said…
Money stuffs. Election stuffs. My Thighs and Butt stuffs.
Liz said…
Sarah Palin.
Nance said…
Sigh. Republicans, first. This lingering cold, second.

Actually, I blame EVERYTHING on the republicans, so basically, them.
dr sardonicus said…
Too many things are driving me nuts, and not enough time to write about them. As usual.
Scout said…

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