Music Monday

In case you didn't know, our government is set to give the banking and mortgage industries a huge bailout consisting of billions and billions of dollars. And since when has the government ever given us the correct statistic for something like this? It's probably more along the lines of a trillion dollars.

Seriously, I could puke. If I was stupid and greedy and made big mistakes with my money, the federal government would tell me to kiss off, oh and be sure to have my creditors attach my wages. Write your Congressional representative (go here to email them) and tell them that you will never vote for them again and will work to help out their opponent in the upcoming elections if they vote in favor of this bill. It is too much money that we will be paying off for decades, and that allows the people who did the bad, stupid stuff to get away with it, leaving the taxpayers holding the bag. The government looked the other way when all this was happening, and now suddenly because it failed massively, they suddenly care. Cry me a river. Let the Republicans, who by the way favor "less government intervention" and are generally proponents of a free market system, allow the free market system to do what it was designed to do. Which is let private businesses that took bad risks pay for that risk by failing.

So who better to talk about the root of all this evil than Pink Floyd?


J said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said…
I'm so pissed off by all of this, but mainly because it feels to me like we're damned if we do, damned if we don't. We get stuck with a huge price tag to pay for their corruption and greed, but if the government DOESN'T bail them out, the economy gets worse and worse, and suddenly it's 1929 again.

I'm not an economist, so I can't argue the finer points on this, but the economists that I see in the Newspaper say that this whole thing is fucked up, but nevertheless needs to happen. But NOT THIS WAY. We need to slow down a bit and make sure that the solution we come up with is the right solution. I cannot believe how much money they're talking about. Now it's closer to 1.8 trillion. WHAT?

Which makes me mad, because it wouldn't need to happen if the government hadn't allowed such unbridled greed and corruption in the first place. Sure, gamble and pay the consequences, but I never gambled, I never reaped the rewards of the crazy economy when it was growing, but now, I get to pay for it.


(That was me that deleted my comment above. Just revised it a bit.)
Nance said…
I can't really add to what J.Jellyjules said. I'm just in such shock about it all, sort of like a milder form of what I felt when I watched the aftermath of the Katrina mess. Is this my country? This is "my" government? How can this be?

And I realize that the inmates are running the asylum.

And in my state, McSame is up by 6 points. Oh. My. God. I feel helpless and hopeless and surrounded by idiots who need to read Einstein's definition of insanity.
Cherry said…
BUBBLE! I'm going back to my bubble!

How can I get the government to bail me out of my mortgage when I can't afford the payments in a few months? OH wait, me going under doesn't affect their bribes and payouts so they don't care. I forgot.
Ted said…
Oh sister Gina, we're on the same page. It's such a mess and it's so frustrating to see that it has to get to this point where we, as taxpayers, have to pay for the so-called "free marketers" and their risky schemes. Blech!
Liz said…
Yea! I know who Pink Floyd is!

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