Alaskans Against Palin

There was a rally held to show that Palin is not universally beloved in her home state, which got little to no media attention (surprise!). God, I loves me some of these signs:


J said…
Awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Maternal Mirth said…
I saw these in an email and THANK YOU for posting them.
Piece of Work said…
LOVE those signs! Go Obama! Down with McPain!
Nance said…
Just got this email. Awesome. Mainstream media just may pick it up yet; they're pretty sick of her and McSame bashing the press, yet wanting glossy coverage.
Ted said…
Classic! Love the "I'm a Community Organizer" sign.
Nance said…
Gina, you've got to read this
Cherry said…
My two fav's:

Voted for her once, Never Again!
Reckless --*-- Inexperienced
Steph said…
Thanks for posting these. They're great!
Autumn's Mom said…
Glad you shared. Good for them! I liked don't sleep if she's veep.
Quiskaeya said…
I LOVE it!
Jess T said…
Love 'em! Especially the "voted for her once" sign. That speaks volumes.

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