Friday Poll

The Friday Poll is late!

Why? Because I keep forgetting that Blogger now allows you to post in advance. For some reason, my brain cannot wrap itself around that little fact. You know, the whole "can't teach an old dog new tricks" kind of thing.

And, watching many of the Olympians and hearing their dates of birth, 1994, 1991, and so on makes me think, "My God, in 1994 I was almost graduated from college! Or well, would have been graduated if I hadn't been following the 8 year plan."

Was there a first time you remember thinking to yourself, I'm old? Or perhaps the most recent time?

And if you don't have an answer to this question, go away and play on your MySpace page.


Autumn's Mom said…

Every time someone tells me my kid looks 15, I feel fricken OLD.
Liz said…
When I first realized all the players on my favorite MLB team were all at least 10 years younger than me.
dgm said…
When I made reference to a Fotomat booth to my students (in law school), and they had no idea what I was talking about.
J said…
First time? When I was 16, and working at Mr. Steak. A man told his toddler daughter to 'follow the lady' - Hey, I'm no lady, I'm a girl!

Most recent? When my cousin told me her son is starting high school this fall. My cousin, who I taught her first word, how can she be old enough to have a son in high school? ACK!
chichimama said…
When my babysitter told me I was the coolest grownup she knew because I asked her to text me when the kids were asleep...
Bammy said…
Working with adolescents in a treatment center.... they never stopped with things that made me feel old.. i think the best was.. "Ms Pam.. you are the coolest old lady I know!"
Nance said…
A colleague once referred to me as "middle-aged" when talking about my similarity to a literary character she was teaching at that moment. I said, "But, I'm not middle-aged!" She said, "Nance, you're 45. Just how long do you expect to live?!" YIKES. MIDDLE-AGED sounded way older than what I was. I'm 49 now, and I still think it sounds way older than I am.
Ortizzle said…
The first time I felt old was when the man at the bakery around the corner stopped calling me "nena" and started calling me "seƱora." The last time I felt old was on my birthday last Sunday. Enough candles to have a bonfire. But fortunately, there was no cake, lol.
Scout said…
I remember feeling old when I first started playing the French horn at age 38. My teacher was teaching 5th graders using the same book of exercises.
Maternal Mirth said…
This summer. I turned 30. It's not OLD, but it's a little hard for me to wrap my head around.
Ted said…
1995: I was a T.A. in grad school and one day when I mentioned something that happened on 90210, there was a collective gasp in the room. When I asked "What? What's wrong." Someone said: "YOU watch 90210? We all figured your idea of a good time was watching Masterpiece Theater." Ouch!
Quiskaeya said…
lol at go ahead and play on your myspace place.

the other day a girlfriend of mine i have known since she was 5 and i was 3 yrs old sent me an email that her son is entering high school. YIKES - i'm getting old if my friend's kids are nearly high schoolers now. :(

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