Music Monday

If you don't like this song, there is seriously something wrong with you.


This is one of "our" songs and I have loved it since the first time I heard it, long before we had met.

And if you don't like it, then I will have to just ask you to leave. Now.


chichimama said…
Wow! Total flash back! I loved that song in the day and had totally forgot about it!
Suzanne said…
There you have it -- my very favorite 80s song. Thanks so much for posting this!

(I can stay, right?)
dgm said…
Please, can I stay anyway? I'll be good.
Steph said…
Phew - I get to stay :) I love the song, too.
Sunshine said…
I don't think you could have lived thru the 80s and NOT like that song. It was totally nonthreatening. It gives me the high school "vibe" when I hear it.
Suz Broughton said…
Yep, love this song. On my iPod in the "driving with windows down" playlist. thanks for posting the video
Nance said…
Well, holy crap! I'm too late to the party. I clicked and it says "we're sorry. this video is no longer available." ;-(
Gina said…
Nance, I put up another one for you!
Atasha said…
:) I remember this song and I still like it.
Missed ya!!
Liz said…
Never heard it before. Who is it? I guess this is good-bye, haha.
Nance said…
Level 42!! This is on my iPod and is one of my ALL-TIME FAVES. The lyrics make absolutely no sense in most of the song, but who cares? It's totally great. LOVE IT. Thanks, Gina.

Hey, miss you over at the Dept.

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