Friday Poll

Holy crud, is it really Friday already?

Today was Mr. P's last week of school, and there have been lots of things to do and take care of as we are also going on two vacays over the next two weeks. Thus the blog is going to be quiet, quiet. Not that it has been rip roaring lately around here anyway. I've also been trying to pre-write posts for the other place, which is an extra burden.

But also, I have the feeling that I might be coming to a very important decsion over these next two weeks. Being away from the internets will probably be a very good thing.

Have you ever thought about quitting your blog? A lot or a little?


Anvilcloud said…
Yes, but it always passes. But I only have one.
Steph said…
Yes, but then I realize that this is as close to a "baby book" as I have for my kids and I know I (and they) will love looking back on it when they aren't so little anymore.
dgm said…
No. I go through cycles where I'll step away for a while because I'm so busy, but I can't imagine quitting altogether. I enjoy writing even if no one's reading. I'm creating something I can look back on, and that means a lot to me.

Don't quit! Puh-leeeeez?
Autumn's Mom said…
A lot, yes. Sigh.
Scout said…
I have thought about it a little, mostly on days or weeks when I feel personally drained and have nothing to say to the big, wide world. I always decide to keep going because I would miss it and because it keeps me writing if only brief posts. At least it's something.
Ted said…
Many times ... But something keeps pulling me back in. :-)
J said…
Often and repeatedly. Then my blogarreah hits, and I spew out two or three posts in one day, and I realize that it's cathartic for me.

I will miss you if you decide to quit.
Nance said…
Yes, I do. But the reason I started is because I wanted the discipline of writing something on some kind of schedule; I also felt that I had something to say, even if it wasn't of vital importance. In the final analysis, I still really enjoy it, and I try to remember the reason I'm doing it.

I know you'll do what's best for you.
No. But I am thinking of quitting scrapbooking. I am always hopelessly behind, it's expensive and time consuming, and the scrapbooks are hard to store. Blogging is free, I don't have to design anything, and it is much faster. Plus friends and relatives in far away places can keep up with us. I used to only blog about the boys for that reason, but I've recently added more about me and what I've been going through with depression. I feel like I'm still learning from blogging--I'll keep at it until that is no longer true.
Suzanne said…
No, I don't think about quitting. I take a break instead.

Enjoy your vacations, Gina. :)
Liz said…
Yeah, I have, but every time I think I'll take a break, I get more creative. My local (other) blog takes way more time as far as research goes, but it's pretty gratifying seeing all the hits and comments it gets. I don't have any expectations for my own blog. It's more for me and my friends. I don't have to be so "on" with my own personal blog.
Liz said…
By the way, your other site? 9 times out of 10 that I comment, my comments don't ever show up. There's something wrong there. I think you guys would have tons more comments if this problem is fixed.
Please don't leave forever.

I'd miss you.
Maternal Mirth said…
I did. But I came back. I am glad I did :)
~Sheryl said…
Sometimes it just feels like a lot more work than it should be.
Kelley said…
Sometimes. When it all gets too much and I feel like I HAVE to blog and I HAVE to visit and comment.

But then I take a couple of days break and I am all good. Then again I have been doing this less than a year.

If you do decide to take a break or whatever, still come and visit me cause I will miss you!
dr sardonicus said…
All the damn time.

I won't quit if you won't.
... Paige said…
I quit it every time I push "publish"
then like drinking water I do it again. One day I may just forget all about it.
don't laugh it could happen.
Heather Plett said…
Yeah, I feel like I'm winding down a little too. Or perhaps at least changing my focus. And I'm getting more and more lousy at commenting on other people's blogs.
At the moment, the blog gets very little attention from me. I expect it will be revived come fall, but this summer, I'm not going to sweat it...I want to be out in the sun, not attached to a computer.

Hope you are not planning on quitting completely...?!

Ortizzle said…
As a matter of fact, I did just drop out of sight for about 7 weeks. And I am not sure how I will proceed, but I think there comes a time when you have to decide if the blog is running you or if you are running the blog.
Heidi said…
I mostly just want MORE time to blog. So,no not yet.
Quiskaeya said…
Blogging is very time consuming. I often feel guilty for not producing better post and wish for more time to get them out.

I hope you don't quit this blog. Do enjoy you 2 vacas!

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