Friday Poll

When I was 13 or so, my dad and I went cycling. We were going down this very steep hill and my dad was yelling at me to change gears. And well, in order to do that, you have to be pedaling. So, I am going downhill very quickly and pedaling as well. I am having a difficult time finding the gear I need.

By my clever foreshadowing, I'm sure that you could guess that it didn't end up very well.

I wound up crashing into a wall, thus rendering my left knee a mass of hamburger meat. I had to bike all the way home with blood pouring down my leg and barely able to pedal at all.

I needed a few stitches, but to this day there is a huge scar on my knee that pretty much covers the entire kneecap.

Where is the most memorable scar on your body? And maybe a story to go with it?


Awesome Mom said…
There are so many, it is hard to choose just one. I have one on my chin from when I was a child. I jumped off the side of the pool and changed my mind mid jump. I turned to grab the side of the poop but instead cracked my chin open. I remember being able to feel the tug of the suture when they were sewing up my chin.
Laura said…
I have a zipper that runs from my ribs down to 4 inches below my bellybutton. It is a constant reminder of the time my husband saved my life. I caught a staph infection in the OR. He was the one who noticed my lips turning blue, from lack of oxygen (staph in lungs) and also that my temp was running high and that my IV had gone subcue.
Heather Plett said…
I have a long thin line on the upper part of my arm. I was riding my horse down a trail through the bush and the horse decided to take a short-cut under a tree. I tried to duck, but couldn't avoid the low-hanging branch.
Autumn's Mom said…
I have a scar on my left hand from a splinter I got when I was about 5. A splinter I was not going to let my mom remove with a needle. So I didn't tell her. And I let it work it's fat self out of my body on it's own. I wear that scar with pride ;)
Maternal Mirth said…
c-section ... 'nuff said.
Nance said…
emergency appendectomy, age 9. spent Easter in the hospital during the Hong Kong flu epidemic. i was in there for about 10 days or so, i think, many of them banned from fluids. i was so incredibly thirsty! one day, i was complaining about being thirsty and having such horribly chapped lips, and an obviously impatient and perhaps ill-suited for pediatrics nurse snapped, "you should be grateful you're even here! you almost died, you know!" later, when my kindly surgeon (who looked EXACTLY like Fred Flintstone) came in, i asked him about that remark. i don't remember what he said, but i do know that i never saw that nurse again.
Scout said…
when I was 6, my 12-year-old sister had a rusty old garage sale bike, and I liked to turn it upside down and stand it on the seat and handle bars. Then I would spin the pedals and pretend the whole thing was a factory. It really was too big for me, and one day I lost control of my factory, and it fell. The sharp edge of one of the rusted springs under the seat but my thigh for about 6 or 7 inches, and my solution was to stop the bleeding with a dirty rag from the garage. I think I got a tetanus shot over that one. It's a nice long scar, though.
Hope said…
oh... scout, I remember turning bikes upside down!!! thanks for the flashback...
I have a dollar sized coin circular scar on the back of my right hand. At a bush party in my late teens when my then boyfriend passed me a flaming marshmallow. The whole melted, flaming mess fell on my hand.
Liz said…
I have a scar on my forehead from those days of riding in the "way back" of those big station wagons. It was either a sudden stop or a too fast turn that sent me flying. While getting stitches, I thought I had died, because they pulled the sheet over my face, probably so I wouldn't be able to see the needle.
Beenzzz said…
I have a burn scar on my right wrist from an evil toaster oven. I think I was bout 7 or 8 years old when it happened. It's finally starting to fade a bit though.
Cherry said…
I have so many scars from being an active kid, a fan of cooking, and later being a woman with fibroids.

We'll go with my first set of stitches. On the bridge of my nose, right between my eyes.

My girl scout troop was going to go swimming so we were in the school cafeteria up on the stage behind the curtain changing into our suits. I slipped, fell and bonked my FACE on the corner of a metal projector cart. Took a big chunk o'face out.
My mom happened to still be at the school taking care of some teacher business, so someone got her. As she was walking me out to the car she was telling me how we were going to the ER, and I would need stitches and they would numb me up so I wouldn't feel anything. Of course I didn't care about all of that, so I asked "but then can you take me to the pool to go swimming?" She pawned off the question and told me to ask the doctor (so there was hope!). But no, doctor said no swimming until the stitches were removed. I was crushed.
Ted said…
I have a scar on my left thigh and left elbow from a motorcycle accident when I was 15. I had stitches and limped around for a few weeks. Not pretty.
Ortizzle said…
Lots of little scars all over my face. Hit a windshield full force. Five hours of plastic surgery, 150 stiches which included the neck area and one ear. The day I returned to the hospital to get the stitches out, I literally stopped traffic on a neighborhood street. It wasn't pretty for a long time.
dr sardonicus said…
The biggest one is the one on my lower back where they cut me open to remove two ruptured discs. It's a workplace injury, and it pisses me off at my employers too much to tell the whole story here.

I also have small scars on my left wrist and thumb of my left hand, souveniers left by box knives in my grocery-stocking days.
dr sardonicus said…
BTW, happy birthday!
Unknown said…
No really memorable scars. I have only had stitches in one place: my earlobe when that @#%%@# Peter Jamison ripped out my earring when I was in kindergarten.
maddie said…
i have a scar on my right knee cap. when i was in jr high i got a pair of roller blades for christmas and would skate down the sidewalks by my house. the street was a bit hilly and i wasn't so good with the breaks yet, so i decided it was a good idea to crash land into a pile of gravel instead of trying to stop like a normal person when i was going too fast. needless to say, the gravel didn't do much except get stuck in between my wheels and i tumbled to the ground. man, did that hurt! i think i even managed to get a tiny piece of gravel imbeded in my knee...

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