Friday Poll

Which do you use: bar soap, shower gel, or body wash?


Bar soap and body wash...

Have a good weekend, Gina!

Awesome Mom said…
Body wash mostly but we have some bar soaps for those ultra stinky armpits that need the extra attention. I used to use only soap but after trying body wash there is no going back. I hate the film that soap leaves behind.
Liz said…
Bar soap.
Sunshine said…
I'm old school, just a bar of soap please.
Beenzzz said…
All of the above!
Hope said…
whatever has been left closest by the last to use the shower. I used to be particular until I was overrun by males
Atasha said…
Shower gel and Body wash. My gosh the last time I used bar soap was in.....high school. Something in bar soap dries out my skin extra badly and makes me itch. I've also converted the husband :-)

Have a wonderful weekend Gina!
Mrs. G. said…
Bar soap
Maternal Mirth said…
Bar Soap for the pits and other bits.

Body wash for ... well, the body mostly.

Steph said…
bar soap
dr sardonicus said…
Bar soap, because a man wants to smell like a man.
chichimama said…
Body little luxury!
maddie said…
shower gel and body wash.
dgm said…
Er, what's the diff between body wash and shower gel?

Having asked that, right now I'm using a delicious-smelling bar soap but sometimes I prefer that Neutrogena body wash or shower gel (I'm not sure what it is but it is in liquid form and has a clean, citrusy smell). Nothing like bar soap for a real good cleanin.'
J said…
I'm with dgm, I'm not sure what the dif is. But I use them. :) No bar soap for me. Too dry...
Judy said…
Well, since you asked so nicely, bar soap.

Safeguard, to be specific.
Body wash or nothing.
Scout said…
Ha. For years and years, I used Irish Spring bar soap because husband used it. It was one of the things he brought to the marriage. But then I realized we don't have to use the same thing, so I have switched to this lovely therapeutic stuff from Bath and Body Works. I don't know the name of it off hand, but it comes in a green tube, and the smell is heavenly.
dmmgmfm said…
Dove moisturizing soap bar since I was a youngster, though I have branched out to the liquid version of it lately.

Baby steps you know...
karla said…
Body wash for me, and shower gel for Mark. He doesn't like the smell of greet tea, cumcumber and aloe, and I don't like the smell of his grrr, make no mistake I am man, gel.
Gina said…
As far as I understand it, gel is clear and wash is opaque and more lotion-y.

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