Something's Gotta Give

And if I continue down my current path, it will be my sanity.

You see, as I was mentioning below, one of my favorite, if not THE favorite part of blogging is the interaction with my fellow bloggers. You make me laugh and cry and wonder and think and guffaw and mostly make me wish I had thought of it first.

But, and the big but, is that between this blog and my other blog and that other one featured up on the sidebar and commenting on everyone else's blog, I am doing a lousy job on all of them. At least, that is how I feel.

I usually make it a point to visit the blogs of people who have been kind enough to take the time to make their first comment here, and there are at least ten people that are still marked as "needing to visit." And that makes me feel bad, like I am a crappy fellow blogger. But my goodness, have you seen the size of that sidebar there? Not to mention the poor new people that come here and I seemingly ignore.

However, there are only so many hours in the day. I can spend my time commenting, or I can spend it cleaning the house (which unfortunately has to be done) or spending quality time with my kid, or one of millions of other things that I am currently neglecting somewhat. Among them the writing job that helps to pay the bills, which is also kind of important.

I have been blogging for over three years at this space, and I'm not sure if this particular blog has run its course. Most of the time lately the content here has been the last task of the day, the thing hanging over my head that I feel obligated to do, and that just seems wrong to feel that way. And I'm sure that attitude is reflected in the content as well.

So, I'm not saying for sure what is going to happen because I need more time to think it over, but I do know that I simply cannot keep up with this pace. I am, in my own strange way, a perfectionist, and I am currently spread much too thin for my liking. And I haven't even mentioned the nagging husband who accuses me of spending my life in front of the computer. Which truly is not the way I want to live.


Awesome Mom said…
It sounds like you need a bit of a break. You also need to allow yourself to be a lurker. I really have a hard time commenting on blogs unless I have something in particular to say (I am like that in real life too). I prefer quality comments over "hey I commented" comments. Feel free to not comment on my blog, I will not feel hurt and will not start crying. My blog is for me and comments are just a nice perk. I do know that if you stopped blogging all together I would be really sad.
Megs said…
Gina, never feel like you need to comment on my blog. Cross me right off your list. I'm happy just to be your reader.
Anonymous said…
Sending you a huge hug. You do what you need to do babe.

Just wish I had have found you earlier.
Anonymous said…
Give yourself a break! When I did that, blogging became fun again. You don't have to read or comment or post everyday. And yes, that makes blogging a different animal, but it's one you can enjoy. I couldn't keep up on multiple blogs and be an active part of my family and self. So, I had to establish priorities -- if for you that means no more " Just Another Day " then so be it, but don't do it because you think there are standards to which you must adhere. Make rules for yourself, break them or follow them, but listen only to the needs of yourself and your family. For real!
dgm said…
What the others said. Do what you need to do (be with your fam, pay the bills). I wouldn't worry about feeling obligated to comment or even read everyone else's blog every day. You are always kind to leave me comments, but don't feel you have to (just occasionally, so I know you're still out there). I routinely neglect my blog when life gets too busy--I write it for me, but it's purely for fun. If I felt obligated to do it I'd probably just shut down. I don't need no stinking obligations.

We know you'll still be around at Teeny Manolo. Why not merge the content instead of trying to compartmentalize?
Heather Plett said…
You have always been one of the most faithful commentors, so I think you can give yourself a break now and then and just coast on past efforts. :-)
Nance said…
This is the blog I read because its content speaks most to me. I don't read Teeny Manolo because I don't have little kids to dress or shop for and as far as your other blog, I live in NE Ohio with no CA vacation plans.

Having said all of THAT, I think you need to do what you WANT TO DO. If you don't like writing for this audience, then don't. If it's because you feel an obligation to comment on everyone's blogs, that's something you need to cut loose (along with the guilt) on your own, I think. I hope that people read me because they like to READ ME, not because they like me to READ THEM. And as far as posting every day, that's something easily taken care of. I have never posted every day; my content isn't "what I did today" in nature. I go about every 5 days or so. It feels right to me.

But if you're just weary of the whole shebang, then shut it down. I'll miss reading you, but it will all be okay.
Sue said…
Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm trying to limit myself too, but there are so many blogs, and so much to read, not to mention forums and mailing lists and .. and...

What I do is subscribe to all the blogs that interest me in bloglines. Then I can have a quick skim (when time is lacking) without actually visiting the blogs. I also don't waste time going to one that might not have been updated, since Bloglines shows only new entries. If something triggers my interest I can click it and read the blog, or mark it for reading later.

Anyway, I hope you keep on blogging even if you don't have time to visit other blogs.
Beenzzz said…
Oh Gina, I know how you feel. :( It can be rough when you feel obligated and all the joy of writing goes down the drain. That's why I decided to take a break and make a decision whether I should continue with this blogging business or stop completely. It's a tough decision!!!! Hang in there and take some time for yourself.
Anvilcloud said…
I know exactly where you're coming from, but I do wonder about those who advise you not to comment. It seems to me that none of us is good enough to do that. We build a relationship through comments. But I agree that you sure don't have to comment every day.

I have always appreciated your loyalty. As people regularly come and blog rolls constantly change, you have been a constant -- an appreciated constant.

Having said that, there are only so many hours in the day, and ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Autumn's Mom said…
It's a brand new year full of change. We are so hard on ourselves with this bloggy business. For me, if it happens it happens (writing and commenting) and if it doesn't it doesn't. C'est la vie.

hugs to ya G
Suzanne said…
Take whatever steps you need to -- if that means a hiatus from this blog, or more lurking, don't feel bad about it. I can't imagine the pressure of having a paid blogging gig and a personal blog. I would miss this blog terribly, of course, but there's always TM!
Atasha said…
I would be sad if you completely stopped blogging on this site but you have to do what makes you feel best.
I couldn't keep up with the kids, housework, the occasion cooking of a meal and not to mention my playgroups that I organize, so I cut back.

I hope no one has taken it personal because sometimes I lurk then I'll comment in a few days when my brain is clear. I blog when I can which is hardly ever these days

You come first, so do what you must and thanks for visiting my blog whenever you got a chance.
Gina - I think you have to do what is best for you...and you are spread thing and believe me, I totally understand. Half of my posts (if not more) are saying "I just am too busy" or are excuses for NOT posting more. I also feel like I need to comment and I love it when people comment on MY blog, but you shouldn't feel obligated. The bloggin thing is supposed to be FUN and if it isn't...well then I would consider taking a break to re-evaluate!

And by the way, why haven't you commented lately? I AM SO JUST KIDDING :) Hope that made you smile.
Hey, you should be fun. If it isn't, then you're right to reevaluate.

But I'd be bummed if you stopped blogging :(

Liz said…
I'd certainly miss you if you stopped and even though I can't relate to a lot that is on Teeny Manolo, I still read it every day.

I've taken a few breaks in the past, and those are the times I seem to feel most creative, just when I tell myself I'm not going to write anything for a while. I do that with the local blog I write for as well. So I know how you feel.
Laura said…
Gina, take a break... I love when you update and share your life with us. Your comments to me have been so thoughtful. It really is good just to know you are out there, so don't feel the need to comment on my blog because I know you're around. Take the time you need to decide what is the best course of action to take. Just know that I am glad to call you friend.
Cherry said…
You are one busy bloggy lady!
I also really enjoy the interaction we have found through posts/comments, but I too enjoy life and living it away from the computer.
I end up taking unintentional breaks from blog writing and reading, and have been known to go on a lurking spree from time to time. Do what you can do! We'll still be here.
Heidi said…
I don't know how you kept it up so long! Sounds like you need a much deserved break. I do a lot more lurking than I do commenting just because of the time factor. I think of it like reading a good mag or book, which of course I don't comment on either. Keep us posted as to where you are, I will just visit Teeny if you take some time off from here.
chichimama said…
You will be missed if you take a break, but I would totally understand! Hope you find your way to more bloggy peace...
My friend - you can't do it all. You just can't. That being said, I would be very sad if you stopped blogging. But I would understand. Why don't you just blog when you can? Don't put yourwelf under any obligation to post EVERY day.

You have been a great bloggy buddy and I appreciate you and all of your kind words.

Just do what you can, that's it. Nothing more. OK?
Mrs. G. said…
You do what you have to away from the computer is REAL life. Why don't you cut back on posting to relieve some of the pressure? A couple of times a week maybe. There is no law that says you have to comment every day. This supposed to be fun.

Why haven't you put up Blogher ads? Perhaps earning a few bucks would put a spring in your step. And validate how talented you are as a writer. Just a thought.
Anonymous said…
I don't know how you can write for three blogs, comment as much as you do, and still find time for home stuff. Something's gotta give indeed! As most of your bloggy friends have been saying "Do what you gotta do," but if you have to give Just Another Day a rest, it's completely understandable.
Anonymous said…
Just went/still kind of going through this same thing. You can't do it all, and in the end you gotta do what is best for you and yours.

We all love you Gina and will understand no matter what you gotta choose :)
dr sardonicus said…
What I would like to do on the internets and what I can do are two different things.

If I had my way I'd post something new to my blog every day, write 2-3 things a week for the groupblogs where I have privileges, visit all my blogging friends daily, and spend a couple hours daily reading online newspapers, magazines, and other stuff where I can find new material to write about.

Can't do all that, though. I have a wife, I have a job, I have a car that needs to go to the shop, et cetera. Unless you are in the blogging elite who can get paid well enough to earn their living this way, you gotta go to work. And you always have to deal with real life. Sitting at your computer all day and all night tends to make one unpopular with their family.

I've accepted that I can only post a couple times a week most weeks. I've accepted that my readership will probably never climb out of the low double figures. Blogging is not going to run my life, and I suggest it not run yours either. With your other writing obligations, you really don't need to do more than one or two good posts a week here. If I were you, though, I wouldn't give this gig up, since this is where you have the most freedom. Stop in at my place whenever you can.
Anonymous said…
Oh dear...I see where this is headed.
J said…
I kinda think that three blogs is two too many. If I were in your shoes, I would pick the one that gives me the most satisfaction, and bail on the other two. Then, I would try to relax and not worry about posting every day, but instead, just when you feel like you want to. I think it's more fun that way.

I like this blog best of your three. I know you have the same voice elsewhere, but somehow, this is still my favorite. I'll be sad if this one goes away in favor of the one that pays. But three is too many, and you gotta do what you gotta do. Real life comes first. ;)
maddie said…
oh, dear. i totally understand how you are feeling. i, too, have been so overwhelmed these days. i'm trying to keep my head up and like dory in finding nemo says, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming". take a deep breath, sit back and relax for a bit. you'll find your way soon enough.

Quiskaeya said…
I've just come back for about a months baby hiatus from blogging. I needed it, the time away from blogging. I didn't realize just how much it took away from other things. Don't get me wrong I love blogging and I'm now ready to dive back in head first. I guess my point is we all need time to put blogging into perspective so that it's most beneficial to us.

If you should close this blog, you will still be at TM, right? I'd hate to see you go completely.

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