Friday Poll

Do you think blogging and blogs in general have jumped the shark?

(I already know this one has, I'm talking about other people, silly!)


Liz said…
I'm not sure but I know I'm getting a bit tired. I'm taking a bit of a break for a few days.

I think those "big" bloggers who try to make a living off their personal journals, jumped the shark ages ago.
Laura said…
I hope not. My blog has become my life. I know that's "over the top", but, some days, it's all I've got. liz-I could not agree with you more. A lot of the bigtime bloggers are trying too hard.
dgm said…
I'm gonna go with 'no.' There are always obscure but interesting funny blogs out there that we just haven't discovered yet.
Anvilcloud said…
Good grief. I had to Google that phrase. I don't know the answer, but maybe. It's turned into more of a social gathering rather than having a lot to do with writing thoughts.
Unknown said…
Eh... does it really matter? If you enjoy blogging and/or reading blogs who cares?
dr sardonicus said…
I'm not so sure about the blogosphere having "jumped the shark" yet, but the novelty has definitely worn off. All the people who jumped in a couple of years ago thinking how neat it was that they could post all their thoughts and rants and have other people read them and give their feedback are now finding out that maintaining quality and consistency from day to day is a lot of work. Also, all the bloggers who get a kick from watching their stats go up may be hitting the wall; they're finding that their readership isn't going to increase any further unless they devote their lives to their blog.

I've made my peace with this - I decided long ago that some days I'd be online, and some days I wouldn't, and if people didn't like my habits, screw 'em. There's a whole big world out there beyond your computer screen waiting to be discovered. That world is what preserves our sanity. Spending more time in it will also inspire us to write better when we come back to our blogs.
Autumn's Mom said…
I think it depends on where you look...
dmmgmfm said…
You crack me up girl! Jumped the shark! I'm sure mine has, I just haven't had the time to do much to it and I'm so in love I'd rather spend my time with my man than blogging, but I hope to get back into it a little bit someday and more importantly, I hope to spend some more time checking out others blogs!
Anonymous said…
I think the Big Time bloggers don't try hard enough. Many seem to be part of a self-congratulatory circle jerk where they only blogroll each other. Many of them don't even take the time to follow the link to the blogs/bloggers that constitute their reading public. There are a few who don't even comment on other Alpha Mom blogs. Where's the reciprocity? I mean...that's what it takes to survive when you're on the "B" and "C" list. Why is it different for them? There is one in particular who is blogrolled everywhere, but I fail to see why she's so popular. Mine jumped the shark when I moved last month, but that stalker was driving me nuts. Blogging in general is still important, but to many it's become a star vehicle. And that just blows. If I wanted that, I'd go back to high school.
J said…
Usually things jump the shark pretty much before I find out about them, so yeah, I'd say so.
Nance said…
(I got an error msg. when I tried to leave this comment once already. Sorry if it duplicates.)

I just hope that if mine does, someone tells me.
Beenzzz said…
I don't know...maybe.
Ted said…
I blogging has (as a trend), but I still read individual blogs that are interesting and fresh. :-)
Um, I must be stupid cause I had to google it too. DUH - do I feel silly or what??? I agree mostly with Anastasia's comments. So many of the big bloggers don't even give the readers that make them big the time of day. It kinda pisses me off to tell you the truth....but oh well. I'm just a little tiny fish in the big sea of bloggers and that is fine by me. This blog isn't my life!!
Mrs. G. said…
I am SO with Anastasia. Don't even get me started.
Anonymous said…
I know mine has. School holidays here in Oz have literally KILLED me. I can't wait till Thursday when they all go back to school and this Stella can get her groove back.

My posts have been boring as batshit drying.
Scout said…
wow, I had to look that up, too. I know some blogs are past their peak, the ones with a real following and theme. But when real people just tell their real stories and right as they feel lead to right without a sense of obligation, then they stay in their prime.

sometimes we all just need to take a break. Now I'm going to be wondering if my humble place has "jumped the shark."
Ginger said…
I love that phrase "jumped the shark" and its origin. For me, yeah, but mostly because of time constraints. I've gotta say though that your blog is still one of about 5 that I always visit when I have only a little time to check in.
Anonymous said…
I don't me ever giving up my blogs.
No, I don't think so. Do you?

Gina said…
Heidi, I'm not sure. I think that people are sort of realizing what a time-sucker they can become (hello, projecting anyone?) and I am wondering if the "newness" of the concept has worn off.

And let's face it, for as many fab blogs that are out there, there are an equal number of, if not more, bad ones.

Huh, maybe I should have made that into a post instead.

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