Friday Poll

Because Friday night is our "movie night" at home and we order pizza and eat it on the couch whilst watching G-rated fare with Mr. P, I have to ask:

What is your must-have pizza topping? What is one topping you would never eat?


I thought you were going to ask about movies...much easier than pizza toppings!

My favourite pizza topping is goat cheese. Yum.

But no meat, please.

I am boring - I am a pepperoni ONLY girl.
Megs said…
Boring, too. Must have pepperoni. NEVER: onions.
Sally said…
Mmm, pizza, I'm hungry now!

Must have (or always want) is canned mushrooms. Never have is pineapple.

I think we might have to get pizza for dinner tonight, too!
Scout said…
Hmmm, my family likes simple stuff, so we usually just get sausage and onion on half, and just cheese on the rest. I ordered one with chicken the other night, and it was just wrong.

Sometimes, depending on who I'm sharing the pizza with, I like ham and pineapple.

But I have to say my all time favorite is a simple margharita pizza with fresh mozzarella, basil, and tomato.
dgm said…
Must. Have. Meat. (Usually sausage, never canadian bacon. What the hell is that doing on pizza?) Never anchovies. Everything else is fair game.

[p.s. My word verification is "mxflvjj", which made me laugh cuz, you know, "va-jay-jay." I'm so mature.]
Beenzzz said…
To be honest, I like just plain cheese on my pizza. Boring, huh?
Mommy dearest said…
I'm a cheese pizza lover. IF you must add pepperoni, I'll agree. My husband is a meat addict, so usually we end up with 2 pizzas.
Ted said…
I really like mushrooms, but it's not really a "must have." So, I suppose that means I really can't answer the question honestly. :-)
Unknown said…
I think the only absolute MUST have is cheese. Never anchovies. Now it's no meat at all as I've gone vegetarian. But before that it was never anchovies. :)
J said…
I really like artichoke hearts on pizza. Yummy. We had pizza last night, with mushrooms (for Py), artichoke hearts (for me), eggplant, and fresh tomatoes (not cooked, put on the pizza after it comes out of the oven). That's our old stand by, and boy, I love it. Sometimes we have them put some basil on it, too.
Awesome Mom said…
Pepperoni. Although I can be adventurous and have other toppings. I will not eat a pizza that has had green peppers on it. Even if I pick them off I can still taste the juices left behind. I will also pick off tomatoes and onions but those do not render a pizza inedible to me.
Autumn's Mom said…
I love everything. Super fav is mushrooms and fresh tomatoes. But we usually get Pepperoni for my finicky bunch. I dislike chicken on pizza.
Liz said…
Must have: mushrooms.

Gag me: hamburger.
maddie said…
i like it good!
Nance said…
I have to have cheese. I must never have bacon. I like bacon but not on other stuff. It's too overpowering.
... Paige said…
cheese and more cheese please.
don't like them thar anchovies

Movie I recommend National Treasure, fun and educational

Just thought I'ld throw that in the mix
Anonymous said…
Well, I tend to like almost everything on mine. We usually order it half and half. It must have meat. I've had anchovys and thery're not bad but I don't think I want them on my pizza or pineapple. To me the sweet is out of place. You've made me hungry. We normally do the Friday pizza thing but I am having soup tonight. I've had two lean cusine pizzas this week.
Mama Bear
dr sardonicus said…
Gotta have pepperoni. Why anyone would want pineapple on a pizza, I'll never know. I also don't understand the point of the taco pizza - if I want tacos, I'll go to a Mexican joint.
Mrs. G. said…
Goat cheese and pancetta...yeah, baby!
Suzanne said…
Must have: cheese
What, are you trying to kill me: Everything else

Yes, that's me, the world's most boring person...
Must have cheese...and I love Pepperoni too. anchovies - NEVER!!
Anonymous said…
Yes, Yes YES!! to cheese. And BBQ sauce instead of tomato.

And bletch to the fruitcakes: Pineapple or any type of fruit.
karla said…
That sound very much like our Saturday nights around here. I would have to say mushrooms. MMMM.
Oddly, I only really love mushrooms on pizza, and don't really eat them any other time. Sundried tomatoes are a close second.

No meat for sure for me.
chichimama said…
Must have garlic. Never have anchovies.
Hope said…
I was just bitching about this with my BFF the other day... it has been years since i chose the pizza... as a mom and a wife it always seems easier to eat what everyone else wants than to have them complain and pick off unwanted toppings.. so I truly don't have a clue what i would choose if I ever was in that position.
When i was pregnant with my daughter.... huge cravings for shrimp and onion pizza. I haven't even dared to try it since ;)
Granny said…
I'm not crazy about "Hawaiian" style with ham and pineapple.

My favorite is the one most people will never eat - anchovies and mushrooms.

I keep my own little can of anchovies on a pantry shelf so I don't subject anyone else to them.
Quiskaeya said…
CHEEZE, CHEEZE and more CHEEZE! I don't think I'll try anchovies (sp) on pizza.
Heidi said…
I like pizza with anything except pineapple and or anchovies.
Must have topping - pineapple.

Must not have - Garlic.

PS. LOVE Rock Kills Kid.
Steph said…
Must have cheese, green or red peppers are next, pepperoni if I'm in the mood for it.

Not have: everything else!
Anonymous said…
Mmmm pizzzaaaa..

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