Friday Poll

Which presidential candidate (from any party) scares you the most?


Ortizzle said…
John McCain.

(I think I'm first! Hey, too bad this isn't a Pointless Points Trivia question, LOL!)
Sunshine said…
What got you thinking politics today? lol

I'm writing you in and me as VP.
Awesome Mom said…
Hilary Clinton. I want to like her since I think it is high time we had a woman president, but I am soo dang tired of the whole Bush, Clinton, Bush and the possibility of Clinton again.
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Non-American POV: Mike Huckabee
Liz said…
I think it would be Romney. He seems like a cold fish on the surface but boiling lava just underneath. I think he would be dangerous.
Anonymous said…
Well seeing I am Australian and don't have any idea.... my vote is for Obama (is that how you spell it). Only cause it sounds so much like Osama. And I would hate to think what would happen if someone was hard of hearing.....

Then again I have only heard of Hilary and him anyway :)

(Betcha none of you knew we just had an election here did you??? See? Am I forgiven now?)
Mommy dearest said…
Ahhh! I don't know- Do I really have to think it about it now? I'm thinking around September I'll get educated and make a decision.
Laura said…
kelley: they've "accidentally" called him Osama here, in the media already.

For me

Republicans: Mitt Romney is the scariest, but then they're all pretty darned scary.

Democrats: Hillary. I just can't like her for some reason. I wish Elizabeth Edwards was running. I wish Howard Dean was running. I wish anyone was running besides the candidates we have...
~Sheryl said…
George W. ...

oh wait, that wasn't your question. ;)

Honestly, they all kind of scare me a bit. However, John McCain is a tad too creepy for me.
dgm said…
The question for me is, "Which one doesn't?"

But honestly, it doesn't really matter. It's Congress we have to worry about.
Jess T said…
I haven't done enough research/reading to make an educated decision. On the surface, I'd say Clinton.
Mrs. G. said…
Easy one. HUCKABEE.
Bammy said…
Romney... mcain... clinton...
maddie said…
Hillary, for sure.
Anonymous said…
Huckabee or Romney...either one. Let's face it...Hillary is screwed no matter what. She's a woman who had the balls to admit she wanted more from her life than to just be MARRIED to the President and as we know, women aren't supposed to ask for anything more than an unremarkable life without garnering a lot of grief for it. Had she left her husband after the infidelity, she would have been chastised for it. Because she didn't, people assume she approved...and was therefore a part of it. A man with confidence is someone to be trusted and a woman with confidence is a selfish bitch. That's why so many people don't like Hillary. Too bad. She's been a better senator than Bush was a governor of Texas. I should know. And anyone who thinks that the accident of a candidate's name rhyming with a terrorist leader will somehow affect the success of his presidency isn't paying attention to the issues. Surely we demand more from our candidates than a great sounding name? Dear Lord! Give me John Edwards, though anyone would be better at this point than what we have right now. Except for another Evangelical nutjob.
Piece of Work said…
Actually, I think it's the least scary bunch of potentials in a while. I had a feeling most people would say Clinton--this puzzles me, but whatever. Scary to me is Huckabee, hands down. But then again, I do feel like there is NO chance he could win the presidency if he won the nomination, so in that sense, maybe he's not so scary. At this point I'd be thrilled with ANY Democrat in office--and actually, I like all 3 of the front runners.
Ron Paul or Barack Obama.
Sally said… question!
Beenzzz said…
Having lived in a Mormon state for most of my life, I would have to say Romney. I'm not too keen on Obama or Clinton either.
Candy said…

And I don't think Hillary is disliked because she wants to be more than a wife. I think she's disliked because she's not all that likable.

I'm a democrat, tried and true, and would love to be able to cast my vote for the first woman president, but I don't like her enough. Why oh why did it have to HILLARY!?
Hope said…
Seeing as I'm Canadian, and had to have you clarify if it was the democrats that were liberal or conservative (we keep it simple up here, the conservatives are the Conservatives, and the liberals are the Liberals)My opinion would be strictly based on what the media presents... and I try to be smarter than that.
What I do think however is that no matter who gets in they've inheritated a big fat ugly mess. very scary.
Anonymous said…
Well, I say Hillary. I would love to see a woman become president but she isn't the one. I just don't think she imbodies the Christian principles I live by.
Mama Bear
Ted said…
Rudy gives me the creeps.
Hillary I would say.
captain corky said…
After seeing how much power Bush really has, they all scare me. How long have we been at war with Iraq?
Heidi said…
I actually don't mind Hillary or Obama.
Rhea said…
No doubt about it, Huckabee!
Nance said…
I'm with AB totally. Huckabee scares me. That "God Warrior" is so slimy that I expect snakes to come out of him at any given moment.

I find it terrifying that so many people want another evangelical in the White House. Wasn't one lethal flood, one tsunami, devastating fires, and a killer hurricane season enough of a message for you?

Keep church and state SEPARATE. The US Constitution intends it to be so.
Jess T said…
Gina-gina-where are you?

I miss ya! Just wanted to let you know.
... Paige said…
I'm in agreement with the same anwser the soldier gave Chelsey, Osama, Obama and yo mama
I have not made up my mind as I am waiting to see will actually be running at voting time
dr sardonicus said…
Anyone with an (R) following their name. Ron Paul to me is the scariest, as he wants to take the country back to 1860, but he's not going to get the nomination. Mike Huckabee is scary because he doesn't believe in the Establishment Clause, and he might actually have a shot at the nomination.

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