Sunday Poll

My god people, why did not one person say to me, "Gina, are you stuck in some sort of time warp? Where is your Friday poll?"

Don't be bashful, I need to be reminded of stuff like that.

So, does the person who cooks also clean the dishes at your house?


Anonymous said…
Not always. Usually...if I'm cooking my husband is the first one to start in on the dishes. He's awesome.
Cherry said…
Depends on how anal I'm being and how much I can't stand that he'll leave them in the sink to do in the morning.

Personally, I don't mind doing the dishes if he puts away the leftovers.
Mrs. G. said…
No way. I don't do dishes. 12-year-old is a dish master.
Anonymous said…
Nah, I have asked and even written to head office but apparently they will only bag the food and hand it to me through the window of the car.

Totally sucks. Those plastic forks are a bugger to wash.
Megs said…
No. I am a completely worthless person who neither cooks nor cleans up afterward. Thomas does both.

I am also a very lucky person.
Liz said…
Sometimes. I always cook and sometimes do the dishes.
Steph said…
Usually one of us cooks, and the other does the dishes. Hubby makes out though, because I usually clean as I go when cooking.
Anonymous said…
Mama Bear
we really kinda switch back and forth. Last night he did them but often its me.
Atasha said…
Not all the time.
If the husband cooks which he usually does, then most times I end up taking care of the dishes & cleaning the kitchen
When I cook, most times I clean up too. Life is so unfair.
Anonymous said…
Yes and that would be me. But Kidlet will be old enough soon.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I do it all. I do have A help with the dishes.
Scout said…
UGH. The person who cooks also cleans the dishes and sweeps the floors and does the laundry and cleans the toilets and buys the groceries and runs to the dry cleaners and dusts and tidies up. I could probably keep going, but it will just rile me.
dr sardonicus said…
Both of us cook. Both of us also know how to load the dishwasher...
Laura said…
We used to share the clean up but since I lost him, it is just me. Trying to get children to help with that takes too much energy. Although my son is very good at raking, vacuuming and other things.
Heather Plett said…
Nope. One cooks, the other cleans. It's been that way since we got married. These days, it's usually Marcel who cooks and I clean.

And now that the girls are old enough, they clear the table and load the dishwasher and the person who didn't cook does the finishing touches on the kitchen.
Generally no. Meaning he'll clean.

But being anal-retentive, I go over the kitchen later on, because he *always* forgets to wipe down the stove and the counters. Drives.Me.Crazy.
Crafty Mom said…
Does putting the dishes in the dishwasher, running it, and emptying it count as "cleaning the dishes?" If so, then yes, I do both!
Awesome Mom said…
If my husband cooks dinner then yes, but if I cook dinner then no.
Patois42 said…
When we were both gainfully employed, he used to cook and I used to clean. When I got the SAH gig, I started to cook as well, and I continued to clean. And I always clean nowadays, regardless of who cooked. And I'm surprisingly not bothered by that in the least.
Unknown said…
Yep. I don't mind, though. My hubby goes and plays with the kids while I get my much-needed break. Sad to think dishes are my "break." :-)
Our teenager is supposed to do the dishes... but it never works out that way. If I cook, my husband does the dishes... or at least rinses them all up.
dgm said…
Mostly just for dinner. Other meals, the cook is on her/his own with the cleanup (except that the kids are training to bring up their own plates and utensils and to put them in the dishwasher). Also, when I cook dinner I can't help but clean up along the way. Still, after-dinner cleanup looks like it really sucks for my husband because it's the end of the day. I usually help out cuz I want to hang out with him and it would be rude to just sit there watching him do all the work.
Heidi said…
We both do dishes. It just depends on how preoccupied I am,like if I keep going back to the computer or not. I get distracted by my thoughts while in the middle of doing chores. I don't know why.
Anonymous said…
The person who cooks is 99.99% me and I have a no dishes policy. You gotta earn your keep around these parts!
Ted said…
I think it depends on the night. When I cook, J does the dishes. When she cooks, mostly it's the other way around. Although, there are times when we do both. In short, there are no easy answers to this quiz for me. :-)
Anonymous said…
Yes, I cooks and I cleans. Don't mind because I am anal like that.
Ortizzle said…
Pretty much!

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