
Don't tell anyone, but I'm taking this last day before NaBloPoMo and doing nada.

Happy Halloween!

And, I'll put up the same picture I put up on the other blog, just because I love you like that.


Enjoy your day off. Maybe do some arm and finger exercises, you know, to get ready.

Can't wait to read *every day* in November (are you crazy, people?!).

Happy Halloween!

Heidi :)
captain corky said…
Have a great Halloween and enjoy the festivities.
Laura said…
Happy Halloween to you and yours. I hope it is a wonderful day. I must get much better at time management if I am to be a successful Nanoblomo-er.
chichimama said…
resting over here too! enjoy the day...
J said…
I got lazy today too...but hey, we both still posted! :)
Beenzzz said…
Have a wonderful Halloween!
Autumn's Mom said…
Shhhh! I didn't post either. Wait I did! haha Have a great halloween :)
Scout said…
Yikes. Tomorrow is Nov. 1, and I'm already starting to get nervous. I also can't figure out half the stuff on my NaBloPoMo page.
Anonymous said…
Happy Halloween. Looks like we had the same idea :)
Heidi said…
Happy Halloween! See ya tomorrow!
dgm said…
If only I had nada to do today--two school Halloween parties, parent-teacher conference, one kid out of school early, then pick up the other one, then make pizza early enough to get them ready for trick-or-treating...thankfully the 'hood we go to is gated and serves beer and wine!

Who am I to complain? I love Halloween. Enjoy yours as well!
Quiskaeya said…
I hope you enjoyed your day off! Happy Halloween!
ML said…
Hope your Halloween was great!
Anonymous said…
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