Prohibition Alert!

You know, I almost didn't post anything today because I thought, man, I am going to be posting every single darn day during November. And if that isn't enough Gina for you guys, I don't know what is.

Suffice it to say I will be relying on some tricks to get me by, I'm going to guess that not all of my posts will be treatises on political upheaval in Myanmar. I mean, it's just a guess.

We went to a pumpkin carving party tonight, and Mr. P carved his first pumpkin by himself. Almost. Just a wee bit of help. It was really good, too.

We are going trick or treating on Wednesday night in my sister's neighborhood because they rock. My sister lives on a cul-de-sac and everyone knows each other, and one of Mr. P's little buddies lives across the street from my sister, so we are all going to go together.

I was talking to the mom of the little buddy today, and she mentioned that a few other families in the neighborhood were going together and beforehand, they were going to have a party, complete with lots of alcohol. Then, they were going to go ahead and just walk around with their alcohol.

I don't know if it is just me, but I don't understand people who feel the need to mix children's events with alcohol. If hanging out with your kid is such a chore that you need alcohol to cope, then you've got some problems.

I have been to birthday parties for young children that involved kegs of beer and fully stocked bars.

I know it's wrong to judge, but why hold back now on the judging? I've always done it, and if it's wrong, please, I never want to be right. Because then, people would just do whatever they wanted to do without fear of social reprisal. And baby, I am the poster child for social reprisal.

I don't think it's cool to have children see their parents and other adults getting sloshed. And they might think, oh, I'll just have a beer or two, but inevitably, it winds up being four or five and they either start to get really obnoxious or just sit staring glassy-eyed as the kid blows out the candle.

It it really just me?


Too much of anything is not good, and I agree with you, kids do not need to see their parents stumbling around acting silly.

But sometimes I think parents use their children as a means to socialize. 'They' don't have the time to cultivate 'their' own friends, so the parents of the children's friends become 'their' friends. And as such, 'they' on occasion enjoy a glass of vino with 'their' friends.

They, their, they....'kay, then, that probably should be: I and my.

But seriously, with you on the 'no getting drunk in front of your children' part.

Hope you have fun on Wednesday. Sober and all!

Heidi :)
Awesome Mom said…
This is an issue that is huge in the military. There is alcohol at every function and I mean every single one. Our non drinking ways have severely limited our attendance with kids to military functions. That has isolated us a bit socially but I do not want my kids exposed to that at all. Maybe I am sheltering my kids too much but I was similarly sheltered and did not end up a drunk.
karla said…
Not long ago I attended a birthday party for a two year old that had alcohol available. I did think it was a little weird.
captain corky said…
I love to drink more then the next guy, but I will never want to, or need to drink when I'm doing something for my son.
Anvilcloud said…
It's not you, it's definitely NOT COOL. In fact, it's almost ridiculously UNCOOL.
Candy said…
OK, so I'm busted.

For years, we had friends who were childless, but joined us for our Trick or Treating, and we would always carry with us a travel mug of whatever our alcoholic drink of choice was. Sorry, but after 10 years of Trick or Treating, I think I deserve some percs.

Honestly, though I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. I have a glass of wine every night and my kids know it. They also know I will kill them if I catch them drinking (catch probably being the operative word there).

So call me a hypocrite, but I do believe that the rules are different for children and adults. Otherwise, being an adult wouldn't be worth attaining, and we'd just have an entire generation living with their parents, playing PS2 in their 8X10 bedrooms. Oh wait...
Beenzzz said…
I really don't see the problem with it. I mean as long as you aren't so sloshed that you embarrass yourself. I think a glass or two of wine or a beer isn't really that big of a deal.
ML said…
As long as you don't get drunk as a skunk then I think it's fine.
maddie said…
i totally agree with you. a children's function is no place for booze. if someone can't go without for a few hours, then something is seriously wrong. now don't get me wrong, i'm all for parents having a good time and all, but do they really need to drink at a kid's event? it's one thing to have a dinner party or even a bbq where there is booze, but a kid's birthday party? or trick-or-treating? not so much.
Mrs. G. said…
I'm with you on not mixing kids' events with alcohol. I don't get this either, especially since parents have to get in the car and go home.
Nance said…
In my view, if it's a strictly Kid Event, like a children's party, then there's really no call for booze for the adults. Ohio has an "open container law" that would seem to strictly prohibit walking around during trick-or-treat with booze in your travel mug or water bottle or whatnot.
I don't see any reason to take the attitude that adults should hide alcohol consumption from kids, but modeling proper, reasonable, and legal behavior in front of them is never a bad idea.
J said…
I guess the question is, is this stricty a childrens event, or is it a party for everyone, at which only the kids get to beg for candy? Sounds like they all live in the cul de sac, so noone is driving home drunk, and if they're not getting sloshed and stupid, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Do I think kids parties need to have alcohol for the adults? No. Do I think it's horrible for adults and their kids to be at a party with lots of adults and lots of kids and there's some alcohol? No.
Anonymous said…
Nope. I completely agree with you.
Piece of Work said…
We always have alcohol along for trick or treating.Actually, whenever we get together with friends & their kids, there are usually beers consumed. Not in excess but a few. Most of our friends with kids do the same thing. We always go to the neighbors for Halloween and have dinner and drinks and the kids play and then we all go out trick or treating--sometimes the parents bring a beer along for the ride. It's fun. And we're all walking home--though certainly nobody gets wasted.
Anonymous said…
Nope, not just you. I totally agree. I know some people like that and it's scary. I think there is a time and place for everything and this is not it. But that IS just my opinion. What if there was an emergency with their kids? Who would be able to drive or think clearly?
Anonymous said…
I think it depends. A keg of beer at a 6 year olds party would be weird but a wine-cooler at a halloween party would be totally cool.

For me, it's all about moderation. One glass = happy and shiney. 5 glasses = rehab needed.
Anonymous said…
No, not just you, me too. My view is a wee bit different because I grew up with an alcholic parent who used any party to get falling down, abusive drunk. So, you are not alone in this one.
On a side note...I do miss haloscan, I'm really not liking all the "letters of the week" system. I'm lazy like that!
Heidi said…
Someone in our Trick-or-Treat group usually brings some alcohol along. Sometimes it's my husband! I prefer to keep sober as it can get dangerous walking the streets at night and trying to keep an eye on all the little ones. I bring cookies instead.
Plus if I drank I would surely have to pee way before we were done!
Scout said…
No, it's not just you. Judge all you want because you're right. That makes you a righteous judge.

I have never understood mixing alcohol with children's events either. I think some people are just showing off.
I'm completely with you on this one. I think alcohol really has no place around children.

You know what they were doing in the town I live in? The CHUCK-E CHEESE restaurant was trying to get a liquor license!!! We opposed it and it got shot down, but really, is there a need to get drunk at the Chuck-E Cheese??
Quiskaeya said…
"I know it's wrong to judge, but why hold back now on the judging? I've always done it, and if it's wrong, please, I never want to be right." LOL! Gina you are a nut, but I'm right there with ya!

I don't get it either why anyone would mix booz and kids. Makes absolutely no sense to me.
Melodee said…
I think drinking around kids is inappropriate.

(Hey, look! I'm leaving a comment! Usually I am just a big loser, lurking around in the bushes.)

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