Hang on Tight!

Ahhhh, can you smell it? Take a deep breath.

It's the smell of fear. The smell of regret. The smell of ohmigod, what the hell was I thinking to sign up for NaBloPoMo?

And why the heck does it have to be November? I mean, a major holiday is in November, it's not like it's March or something when nothing is going on.

It might be easier for those of you for whom fall is in serious play. It might be cold where you are, and more tempting to stay indoors.

Me? In a few days, it is supposed to be 85 degrees. Although it does annoy me that it will be November and I am still able to wear shorts. Actually, most of the women here in SoCal totally rebel against the heat and wear pants anyway. Because it's November, dammit!

Anyhoo, I promise I will post every day.

But I don't necessarily promise that the post will be a good one. Nowhere did it say that my posts had to be good.


All I smell right now is rain...because that's what it's been doing for the last three days.

Do me a favour and wear shorts for me. Because I won't be able to until spring... :(

Awesome Mom said…
I thought about doing it again this year but I hate having to post at my inlaw's house (where we will be for Thansgiving), they have horribly slow dialup.
Megs said…
Hooray, Nablopomo! I look forward to reading you every day.
Gry said…
I think that will be my saving grace also - the fact that the posts don't have to have substance :D
Liz said…
If I were you, I'd change the date stamp on this post so that it counts as November!

Good luck!
karla said…
The whole Farenheit and Miles thing messes with my head. For a second I was like, holy crap, 85 degrees is almost the boiling point of water!
Laura said…
Hey, your NanoBloPoMo page is way prettier than mine..which also counts for something. I suck at codes, and HTML and things like that.
J said…
Very fun...I'm looking forward to noblopomo. :)
Candy said…
As if you could write a post that wouldn't be good. Pshah. (How was that, enough sucking up?)

I remember when my sister moved to Arizona from New Jersey, some 30 years ago, and she bought that fake snow and frosted all her windows with it at Christmas. Her neighbors thought she was nuts.
Sunshine said…
I'll never do this because we leave for Thanksgiving for 6 days. I don't do jack but relax and eat a lot, no blogging for me.

Ahem, nothing in March?? Coolest people ever born BIRTHDAY month in March, I think that's what you meant.

How about doing this NoBloSloMoFo (I'm reaching, can't remember) in February, nobody takes a big time out for Valentines Day. Well, except people who aren't married yet. lol
captain corky said…
You're going to have to type with one hand and baste with the other on Thanksgiving Day.
Sue said…
Ha. I saw your post yesterday and thought you'd signed up for NaNoWriMo. I was pretty tired... anyway, I had signed up for that this year, as we'll be home all of November.

Then I saw your post for today, and realised you meant something different... so I found NaBloPoMo and have signed up for that too. I think I must be slightly crazy.
Steph said…
Yeah, the fact that the posts don't have to be of any substance is a winning point for me. I've already started with a really lame post... :)
dgm said…
You're off to a good start. Keep this up and you'll be done in no time.

BTW, I for one say "yay for shorts in November." Make it December, too!
Anonymous said…
Are you writing everyday on both blogs? Or is it just this one?

Have fun! :-)
Heidi said…
I am with you, fear is with me too. I fear I will just forget one day and not post, and wake up after midnight in a cold sweat and cry.
Mrs. G. said…
I love the smell of posting in the morning. Day one done.
ML said…
Ok, I'm not worried. I know you'll do great, m'dear!
Beenzzz said…
I'm looking forward to reading your posts!
Patois42 said…
I only smell the smoldering embers that my husband stuck in a paper bag when cleaning out the fireplace. Looking forward to reading you nonstop for 30 days! Woo-hoo!
~Sheryl said…
I get all warm and gushy inside when my "regular" reads are participating in NaBloPoMo.

Cherry said…
eh.. you'll do GREAT!

Although I do wish Blogger had that cool post it later feature that other publishing tools have..wouldn't that be the bee's knee's?

Happy NaBloPoMo-ing!
Kellan said…
Good luck - you'll do fine. I like to post everyday - I should have done it, but I didn't. Have a good time. See ya.
Scout said…
I didn't realize the "good" was a prerequisite for participating. I plan on posting crap quite a bit--there just isn't enough thoughts of interest in my tired head.
Quiskaeya said…
You've got my vote of confidence! I know you can do it.

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