A Smorgasboard

The wise and wonderful Maya's Granny tagged me for a "Family Tradition" meme more than a while ago, and I am a sad, sad participant who is months late in responding. It was actually a rather difficult exercise, but here I go.

1. Post the rules.
2. You have to choose two different heritages that you (or an ancestor) really do have. They can be nationalities, races, religions, regions, or even political parties.
3. Make up a silly tradition (or as many as you want) that reflects them.
4. Do as many as there are mixes in your family.
5. Name five people to follow; inform them in the comments section of their blogs.

I, (as of this moment) a Democrat, married a Republican, so

We always wonder if when we are together, people see purple.
My pajamas have a donkey, his have an elephant.
We always wear little signs that say "We cancel each other out!" when we go and vote together.

My mom, a German, married my Dad, an Italian so

After their spaghetti and meatballs, they would have apple strudel.
Or conversely, after their bratwurst, they would follow up with some tiramisu.
They would argue over who was the worst dictator, Mussolini or Hitler. My mom always won.

My MIL, of Mexican descent, married my FIL, who is white.

So when they danced the polka, they made sure to follow it up with some mariachi music.
They wrap up their BBQ chicken in tortillas.

Whew, that was all I could come up with. Not all that great, but I tried, though! Anybody that knows me knows I always break rule number five, so this time will be no different. If you'd like to take a crack at it, it's all yours.

Secondly, I have a question for all of you. If you have been kind enough to support my efforts over at Teeny Manolo, I wanted to ask you for feedback on the site. What do you want to see more of? What would you like to see less of? And don't be afraid to criticize me, as long as it is constructive, of course. You know, "You're stupid and everything you write is stupid!" is not going to help, as tempting as it may be. If you would feel more comfortable emailing me your feedback, that is fine as well. But, I really value all of your opinions, and I want to make the site the best it can be! And who better to help me than the most thoughtful and intelligent readers on the internets?

And also, a shameless plea for some link love to Teeny Manolo if you are a fan. What can I say? I want to keep my job! I'm pathetic, I know! And thank you so much for the people who have already linked and/or added us to their Blogrolls, you rock! I try to reciprocate, but if I missed you, let me know.

And and, it is confirmed that my bum thyroid is acting up again. The meds are being upped once again! Wheee!


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