Mel is My Co-Pilot

So I happen to know, in real life, an internet supahstaaahhh, who is Melodee at Actual Unretouched Photo. I can say I knew her way back when she had a blog entitled (and I hope she doesn't kill me) "Go Ahead, Make My Day," or at least something very much like that.

Then she went on to fame and fortune as a blogger on ClubMom, as well as being published in the Christian Science Monitor and other pubications. And she laughed yesterday when I expressed frustration over not remembering to get her autograph, but I was totally being serious. She is just like she is on her blog, smart and not afraid to speak her mind. And prettier and skinnier than me as well.

After knowing her online for many years as a result of "meeting" on an AOL message board, I finally got to meet her yesterday. She and her family are in town for her husband's annual conference and lucky me, it was being held in SoCal.

I actually had called her the day before since I had given her my cell number, and wanted to warn her that I had boneheadedly thrown it in the washing machine where it got pissy that it was rinsed it in cold water and died. You know how you have no idea what a person will sound like on the phone, and then you hear it? She has one of the sweetest voices I've ever heard, and next to her, I sound like McGruff the Crime Dog with a bad cold.

So we decide to spend the day at the beach, and like any normal person, she is a bit intimidated by LA area traffic. She offered to have me drive her van, but I was afraid that since I drive a small Honda sedan that I will not know how to steer it and wind up crashing us off a freeway overpass. I offer instead to give her excellent directions from the passenger seat, and we got there just fine. She also got the joy of seeing "beach Gina" who is devoid of makeup and brushed hair, but I think she was able to keep her fear in check.

The kids spent the day frolicking at the beach. And really, I do mean frolicking. Especially cute were the four year olds who were playing the "run up to the water and run away from it screaming" game which is a big hit with most kids their age.

Finally us parents had had enough and started making our way back, where I promptly gave her the wrong directions and we had to backtrack an extra fifteen minutes. She was nice enough not to say anything, but she should have.

I had a wonderful day, and it was so nice to finally meet Melodee and her cute-as-can-be family.

And, today (Wednesday) is her 20th wedding anniversary, so won't you go over and congratulate her?


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