'Til Tuesday

I am sitting here the day before Christmas Eve, and I don't know if I got to all of your blogs to wish you a happy holiday or even if you just use the time to take a few days off and relax, I hope everyone enjoys themselves and stays safe.

I wanted to leave you with my favorite Christmas song. I have read that it is one of the hardest Christmas songs to sing, with it's operatic soaring and high notes and booming orchestra. Of course, leave it to me to like the carol that is the most complicated.

I searched high and low on YouTube for the best version, and I think this is the one. Despite the horrible sound quality and the weird sounds that get picked up by the mic in a few places, this is just simply beautiful. He doesn't try to give it all the flourishes and grandstanding that a lot of the other (women) singers usually try to do.

And, even if you don't believe in the religious aspects of Christmas, I dare you to not like this song! ;)

Some things have happened today that have made me cry, and they will probably affect Christmas for my family. I am bummed. It is nothing earth-shattering, in fact, I probably cry too easily. Did you know that about me? I can cry at a commercial if I am hormonal enough. I listened to this song a couple of times, and it made me feel better, along with the mile and a half walk, and the gingerbread-man shaped sugar cookie.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and I'll talk to you soon.


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