Resolutions, Schmesolutions

I am rather famous for being sick on New Year's, and this year I have upheld the tradition.

Luckily for me, Hubba-hubba always has to work New Year's Eve, so I am spared the agony of buying expensive tickets to fancy events and equally fancy outfits, only to be so ill that I can only lie in bed.

So here on the West Coast, I have a little less than an hour to go until 2007 replaces 2006.

I was going to do a list of anti-resolutions. You see, with New Year's resolutions, we tend to set the bar way too high for ourselves. For me, it is so much easier to just admit and embrace the underachiever that I am.

So the anti-resolutions would have the beauty of being so easy to attain, that achieving anything above them makes me look a thousand times better than if I had established lofty, noble goals.

But my friends, I am too sick and too tired to make this list, but I'm sure that you can let your imaginations run wild.

Happy New Year!


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