Pointless Points Trivia

Welcome to the gray day in sunny Callifornia edition of Pointless Points Trivia, where the points don't really matter. Yes, just like my efforts to spruce up the looks of this blog, they just don't matter!

For the points, answer this question.

Which of our U.S. Presidents had a pet raccoon?

This question has been answered. I have been playing around with my template, and lost my comments. Again. So, please bear with me while I tinker.


oshee said…
you are playing with your blog again aren't you gina....
Granny said…
It's still Coolidge.
Hope said…
Love the new look. I had my first taste of See's truffles while making a quick stop prior to leaving San fransico. I am embarased to say i wolf down all the truffles I had purchased for gifts prior to landing back at home. All that was left were the cute little sandpails they were in. Keep those quesions coming.
Hope said…
Whoops, i just noticed you have given me too many points. i want to win those things fairly!!

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