The Only Type-B Perfectionist You Will Ever Meet
So I can be a perfectionist. Yet annoyingly, I am sure, I am not a perfectionist about everything. There are some things I care a lot about doing correctly, and others I could give a flying rat.
Things that don't need to be perfect:
My hair- I try, but I am not one of those women who will shellac their hair into submission. I always have little flyaways. I have always just washed my hair, put some mousse or gel in it, and then nothing. I blow dry my hair perhaps three times a year.
My clothes- I try to match, and a goodly percentage of the time, I do. But, sometimes I just want to get out of the house pronto, and if the shirt is a little off with the pants, people are just going to have to deal. Ditto with the shoes.
My car- I used to lovingly wash my old car every week when I was in my late teens and early twenties. In between the vents I would go with a moistened Q-tip, because my car was an extension of my cool self. Uh, now it is littered with sippy cups, pretzels that Mr. Personality licks the salt off and discards, water bottles, paper, the list is dizzying and so not cool.
My patio- The second after it is clean, two things are sure to happen. 1) The wind will kick up and blow leaves into it. 2) Mr. Personality will dump toys and/or dirt all over it. I waved the white flag long ago.
Things that do need to be perfect:
Mr. Personality's hair- His hair must be shellacked into submission. He has all these crazy cowlicks, and his hair likes to taunt me by sticking straight up. It must be all smooth and combed, or else we don't leave the house. We are thinking of giving him a semi-buzz cut this summer just to make things easier.
Cleaning- I sure don't clean all that often, but when I do, it can't be one of those slap-dash jobs. No smudges, not even a missed centimeter of surface can get by Gina the Cleaning Nazi.
Work- While in the workforce, I was very picky about how I did my job. Everything had to be just so, on my desk as well as my reports. I had systems in place that assured everything I needed to get done got done on time, and well.
My makeup- I don't wear a lot of makeup, so this one is not too hard. My biggest pet peeve is unblended foundation, but as I now only wear tinted moisturizer, it is not so much of a concern. Also, not ONE of my eyelashes can have any of that "cakey" stuff on them.
My parenting- I put probably too much pressure on myself to act appropriately at all times. This is my most frustrating one, because I am far, far, from being a perfect mom.
Hubba-hubba- No explanation needed.
Things that don't need to be perfect:
My hair- I try, but I am not one of those women who will shellac their hair into submission. I always have little flyaways. I have always just washed my hair, put some mousse or gel in it, and then nothing. I blow dry my hair perhaps three times a year.
My clothes- I try to match, and a goodly percentage of the time, I do. But, sometimes I just want to get out of the house pronto, and if the shirt is a little off with the pants, people are just going to have to deal. Ditto with the shoes.
My car- I used to lovingly wash my old car every week when I was in my late teens and early twenties. In between the vents I would go with a moistened Q-tip, because my car was an extension of my cool self. Uh, now it is littered with sippy cups, pretzels that Mr. Personality licks the salt off and discards, water bottles, paper, the list is dizzying and so not cool.
My patio- The second after it is clean, two things are sure to happen. 1) The wind will kick up and blow leaves into it. 2) Mr. Personality will dump toys and/or dirt all over it. I waved the white flag long ago.
Things that do need to be perfect:
Mr. Personality's hair- His hair must be shellacked into submission. He has all these crazy cowlicks, and his hair likes to taunt me by sticking straight up. It must be all smooth and combed, or else we don't leave the house. We are thinking of giving him a semi-buzz cut this summer just to make things easier.
Cleaning- I sure don't clean all that often, but when I do, it can't be one of those slap-dash jobs. No smudges, not even a missed centimeter of surface can get by Gina the Cleaning Nazi.
Work- While in the workforce, I was very picky about how I did my job. Everything had to be just so, on my desk as well as my reports. I had systems in place that assured everything I needed to get done got done on time, and well.
My makeup- I don't wear a lot of makeup, so this one is not too hard. My biggest pet peeve is unblended foundation, but as I now only wear tinted moisturizer, it is not so much of a concern. Also, not ONE of my eyelashes can have any of that "cakey" stuff on them.
My parenting- I put probably too much pressure on myself to act appropriately at all times. This is my most frustrating one, because I am far, far, from being a perfect mom.
Hubba-hubba- No explanation needed.
I am a perfectionist with some things..and not with others too. It just means we are smart. We know what is really important and what can wait.
I guess on your list laundry falls under "clothes" instead of "cleaning?" :)
Oh, and your hair has looked fabulous every time I've seen you!
Can you come clean my house? I need someone with standards of some sort, since I operate under the "perfect is the enemy of good enough" mindset when it comes to cleaning...