Consider the Bullet Dodged- At Least For Now

So apparently our hastily erected shrine to the gods of leaky pipes worked.

The bad news is that the plumber had to cut the bottom and back out of our bathroom vanity, as well as jackhammer a bit of slab in order to reach the offending pipe.

The good news is that it was just reachable, and he was able to fix it.

The even better news is that because he is a personal friend of Hubba-hubba's, he only charged us one hundred bucks.

I told Hubba-hubba that the leaky-pipe gods liked my offering of lemon cookies better than his turkey jerky. I mean, who wouldn't?


karla said…
Is that for real or did someone sneak crack into my cornflakes this morning?
hahah. Too funny!
Gina said…
O merciful and benevolent Frank! I humbly offer my thanks for your intervention, despite the lack of heavy-duty baked goods.

Rest assured that if cakes are your thing, your next shrine will consist of the entire bakery department!
Heather Plett said…
Oh Leaky Pipe God - can you please send me the Messy House God? I'll bake her a cake, I'll even stop at that fancy french bakery for a fine selection of delectable goodies! Just send her to my house to work her wonders.... PLEASE!!!

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